Calcifer The Abei

he is absolutely gorgeous! :drool: How has he settled in, does he eat well for you? :)

yes thanks he's well settled ,he eats anything i put in for him there was about 5 ramshorn snails and 8 cherry shrimp which he ate the first night ,i think his favourite food seems to be earthworms, how's calcifer doing ? :)

he is absolutely gorgeous! :drool: How has he settled in, does he eat well for you? :)

yes thanks he's well settled ,he eats anything i put in for him there was about 5 ramshorn snails and 8 cherry shrimp which he ate the first night ,i think his favourite food seems to be earthworms, how's calcifer doing ? :)
Aw great news he has settled well :) Calcifer is doing great though was in a food coma last night after running off with a bit of mussell. He croaks for his food if Im not quick enough and generally is a snatch and run kinda guy lol. He also will not give his food up unlike Nooki lol.
helmut makes a strange noise as well almost looks like he's coughing and you can see his teeth :)

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