I am jealous of your Gsps for sure, they are gorgeous puffs but I had them too soon into fish keeping when first started and just wasnt prepared for the salty side. The abei is just over 2 inches currently, so still some growing room to do. It wouldnt happen to be someone called Suzanne you are getting the puff from is it? If so he is absolutely gorgeous!!! You are really lucky

Would love to see pics when he is settled in. Puffers definately are addictive. My two are fab and both so personable and quick learners.Depending how these go, down the road I may have one last puff being.
I was going to get the abei puffer from her to lol she is selling it for £25 but she would take £20 for the abei, and I was going to give in my gsp who was currently in fw and wanted to give him a better home in brackish so she accepted £15 and my gsp for her abei puffer, but then she changed her mind because she thought the abei would kill my cichlids even though they are bigger than the puffer, until i did more research and realized how aggressive these are and youtube vids just helped me to see why i should only keep an abei by its self.
Sorry for the late response lilacamy931 and thanks for the information you provided and it has made me think and gave me a better idea on which to decide. However it all depends on if my lfs are stocking these:
Dwarf puffer - are these more active in a bigger tank?
Congo puffer (still thinking, however my lfs does stock these in)
humpback puffer
According to this article (website) below in the puffer forum the suvatti is one of the most aggressive puffers and never should be a beginners puffer. I have had a bit of experience of puffers but love them and think their the most interesting fish also as well as goby's.
I will buy another tank if needed to but are there any puffers in this list that are suitable with cichlids. Its not about the puffer being atacked by the cichlids because at one point I was keeping the gsp in with them for nearly a month and there were no aggression at all and the gsp used to always eat with them and very comftable around them. The only issue is that the puffer being too aggressive to the cichlids or even able to kill them like the abei. However never had any experience with any puffer killing a cichlid.
If i do keep a puffer in with my cichlid tank then the option i'm thinking so far is the SAPs as I can get a group of 3 and they are not aggressive puffers. Also dwarfs is another option but have read they are fin nippers but my cichlids are on the move all the time so very unlikely that the dwarf will have a good bite at them
I have plently of time to decide but just need a bit more adice before i make my decision.