Calcifer The Abei

Are these puffers really sensitive to waste because I was going to get one from someone close by but they recommended the tank to be cleaned by vacuum. Also has anyone had experience with tank mates in with an abei, and which? I have a 4ft tank would I be able to keep an ebei puffer and other fish, even if its another abei?? I know these puffers are very aggressive and have a big apetite. Would bigger cichlids be fine with them either mbuna or SA cichlids?

How big is the tank you have yours in lilacamy931?
Hey hon, mine is a 100 litres flat out and I did enquire on tank mates when first considering and the one gist I got was flat out no! These are really aggresive even with their own kind, and from the behaviour I have seen on my own, I definately would not put him with anything else. The 4ft would probably be wasted on though mine is really outgoing, and really wouldnt recommend mixing Im sorry to say. There are plenty of puffs you could try but most are going to be singletons at best. How many litres/gallons? The South American puffer is generally a community puff though length is best for these busy puffs and they are one where you are required to do dental work.
Yeah i thought so but wanted to see if anyone had any experience with keeping them with others. My tank size is 4ft x 12" x 17" high and adds upto around 40 gallon. Yeah saps seem like a good option and don't mind keeping snipping their teeth, how long usually do you have to cut them for, do some grow faster than the other?
One last enquiry about the congo puffer would they be suitable with other tank mates and which? I have definitely seen these with other friends in tank and don't also need that big of a tank. I do have white sand so the congo can burrow in the sand, but i think i might have to buy another 2kg of sand just to fill up in the depth so he can hide him self more. Thanks
On another forum, someone had tried their various abeis together and with tank mates and it did not end well...The congo was one I was considering originally but could not find anywhere, they really arent suitable with others as ambush, again most of what peeps told me was they did not go well together, similar puffers that did work well together and with own species was palembang and suvatti, if interested can find the article for you as someone managed to get it working. The SAPs are the ones known to have regular teeth trims, I havent owned this species (ones have owned are GSPs, DPs, Irrubescos, abei, fahaka) but again when enquirying (I do sooo much research lol) it would be at least 2 yearly regular with lots of crunchy foods. Again I might be able to find youtube linky had that shows just how to do this on the SAPs using either clove oil or MS222 though have to be careful when knocking out not to kill.

Another thought.. irrubescos, or dwarf puffs. The irrubescos are larger than the DPs quite colourful (especially mine were as had very different mood swing and colour changes) and they went really really well in the community I had. With these it is just a case of breaking line of sights and providing enough cover and ratio of at least 2f to 1m. Irrubescos and SAPs have gone well together before though be aware SAPs are really active and need flow and length of tank (open swimming areas). DPs are highly recommended though really touch and go putting them with other things. Of course if going for more than one puff, it is always good to remember they are messy eaters and require quite good ratio space/filtration.

I have considered companions with my two puffers. The fahaka was considering bala sharks but the fact he ate 2 tetras the first night he went in and the way he tears food as it hits the water has me having second thoughts. As to the Abei, he is the same with food, and the night he went in there was a guppy that couldnt rehome, that was also gone over night including plenty of snails.

I hope my experiences and previous research helps you on the path to getting a puffer. I will say these guys are fab and so personable you really dont need other fish. If you do try it just be aware that you may lose fish and to have a back up plan/tank to transfer fish if it goes terribly wrong. They are so different in personality, I have managed some communities but others did not play well but I always had spare tanks to move, or back up plan. Be excited to hear what you go for.
great looking puffer how big is he ? i'm getting a abei myself this weekend from a member of the puffer forum, i can't wait it's a bit of a long drive but hopefully will be worth it.
i would love to have a fahaka fantastic puffer but i don't have the space for a bigger tank, i do have another puffer tank with 2 gsp's ,they are fairly addictive are puffers :D
I am jealous of your Gsps for sure, they are gorgeous puffs but I had them too soon into fish keeping when first started and just wasnt prepared for the salty side. The abei is just over 2 inches currently, so still some growing room to do. It wouldnt happen to be someone called Suzanne you are getting the puff from is it? If so he is absolutely gorgeous!!! You are really lucky :) Would love to see pics when he is settled in. Puffers definately are addictive. My two are fab and both so personable and quick learners.Depending how these go, down the road I may have one last puff being.
I am jealous of your Gsps for sure, they are gorgeous puffs but I had them too soon into fish keeping when first started and just wasnt prepared for the salty side. The abei is just over 2 inches currently, so still some growing room to do. It wouldnt happen to be someone called Suzanne you are getting the puff from is it? If so he is absolutely gorgeous!!! You are really lucky :) Would love to see pics when he is settled in. Puffers definately are addictive. My two are fab and both so personable and quick learners.Depending how these go, down the road I may have one last puff being.

I was going to get the abei puffer from her to lol she is selling it for £25 but she would take £20 for the abei, and I was going to give in my gsp who was currently in fw and wanted to give him a better home in brackish so she accepted £15 and my gsp for her abei puffer, but then she changed her mind because she thought the abei would kill my cichlids even though they are bigger than the puffer, until i did more research and realized how aggressive these are and youtube vids just helped me to see why i should only keep an abei by its self.

Sorry for the late response lilacamy931 and thanks for the information you provided and it has made me think and gave me a better idea on which to decide. However it all depends on if my lfs are stocking these:

Dwarf puffer - are these more active in a bigger tank?
Congo puffer (still thinking, however my lfs does stock these in)
humpback puffer

According to this article (website) below in the puffer forum the suvatti is one of the most aggressive puffers and never should be a beginners puffer. I have had a bit of experience of puffers but love them and think their the most interesting fish also as well as goby's.

I will buy another tank if needed to but are there any puffers in this list that are suitable with cichlids. Its not about the puffer being atacked by the cichlids because at one point I was keeping the gsp in with them for nearly a month and there were no aggression at all and the gsp used to always eat with them and very comftable around them. The only issue is that the puffer being too aggressive to the cichlids or even able to kill them like the abei. However never had any experience with any puffer killing a cichlid.
If i do keep a puffer in with my cichlid tank then the option i'm thinking so far is the SAPs as I can get a group of 3 and they are not aggressive puffers. Also dwarfs is another option but have read they are fin nippers but my cichlids are on the move all the time so very unlikely that the dwarf will have a good bite at them :p

I have plently of time to decide but just need a bit more adice before i make my decision.

No worries didz04 whatever I can do to help! Im going to try and find that article there were 2 female suvatti, 1 male suvatti and 1 palembang which mostly worked. I had considered the suvattis as the local has had them for a couple of months (4 altogether and they are getting on fine). Of course both these cases could just be pure luck or matter of time..As to beginner fish, I think it depends on the research you have done and preparation, plus the fact you have people who have owned them and can get help at a moments notice. One thing I did learn on suvattis (as well as congos) is needing to wean them off live foods but it can be done.

Out of that list of puffs with the cichlids and only going by what I have read (as not owned all those puffs and have never owned cichlids) I would say SAPs. Reason as follows:

SAPS - very active, quick and generally from what read eat smaller fishies but dont attack bigger, more like mindless bumblebees and often considered one of the true community puffs (though always be wary). Only downfall is you will need to trim beaks regularly.

Dwarves - they may or may not work, I would be worried cichlids eating them or the dwarves having a fin nibble. I have had some work in communities and others an absolute no go. So fair risk.

Congo - I really wouldnt, youtube some vids, I know some have fish in with them but generally the fish look like feeders to me. Watching one disembowel a fish twice its size was horrifying. Also I ended up ringing 20 stores in an attempt to get one and these are hard to locate currently, the in puffs seem to be dwarves, fahakas, red eyes.

Irrubescos - good community but need good places to hide, generally shyer and possibility cichlids may beat them up?

Humpback - similar to congo, havent seen an attempt at community..I have seen one locally and the behaviour would suggest solitary..

I think you are in the predicament I was in, so much choice and making the right decision! In the end after loads of research I narrowed to congo and abei. I went with abei due to availability and how active he was. I think my last tank will be a congo but wont be for a while and would like a rarer red or orange as not likely to be very active.

Really hope that has helped a little, let us know how you get on!

One last thing to consider is pricing:
Dwarves £2-4 each
Congo £30-40 mark
SAPs £10-20
HUmpback £60 (well locally!)
Irrubescos - I paid £9 for the males and £12 for females (though prices my end are high)
Obviously this is only what I have seen and with my puffs they have been way more expensive as ordered from Wildwoods and was impatient.
yes the abei is from suzanne off the puffer forum, i can buy one online which would work out about the same money wise by the time i pay for diesel, but she really knows her stuff and looks after her puffers so i thought it would be better to buy the one she has for sale :)
That is really great news talisker, lpve to see pics though know he is gorgeous, she really does know her stuff and has helped me many a time, the amount of puffers she owns is eyepopping. :)
i'll get some pics up when he is settled, i can't believe the amount of tanks she has up and running, just think of all the water changes they all get about 50% change a week :hyper: :)
Brill cant wait to see pics, from what she was telling me there are strict rotas, Im so envious you got to see!
haha I gave some redeye redtail puffers to Suzanne a few months back lol. Small world huh :p
ah! she got those off you?! She absolutely loves them and was showing me pics when trying to decide on a puff :) Really is a small world, though super jealous I not able to visit ;)

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