Calcifer The Abei


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Acclimatising slowly, he is gorgeous (I know I am biased ;)) It is funny as he and Nooki (my fahaka) are roughly the same size, I know it wont stay that way for long! Nooki loves his huge tank and gets hunting stripes, I hope Calcifer likes his smaller suitable domain more planted and caved.

awww cool :) What tank is he in? I thought you were only having a dwarf puffer tank and the fahaka :p
Wellll...he is actually in the cube tank with lots of plants and ornaments (now in tank having little look round). With the dwarf puffs (and this will sound terrible I know) I have tried them twice now and they are cute little things, but I never seem to be able to sort the aggression out between their own species, successfully kept them with other things but they always turned on each other. Line of sight was never a problem as at one point it was a jungle. The male always sought the female out to beat her up. I also think when first puffer keeping I hated the thought of solo fish and always tried pairs or threes but have honestly learnt the lesson that they are so individual, singletons have definately been the best for me so far! I have to say that except for a particular betta that really brought joy to me and my partner, Nooki the fahaka has really gotten us smitten. He is pretty much a wet puppy. Calcifer my new addition, I cant wait to see how he develops over the coming weeks and sure he will become more personable :)

EDIT: p.s. sorry to blah blah there!
Yay he has eaten lol, bloodworm is always a start. Of course Nooki has eaten anything I have thrown his way, honestly. Here are some gratiutous pics of Calcifer settled in (in case wondering why this name? I had a betta that changed our lives with fish keeping called Calcifer named after a character out of a anime called Howls Moving Castle, he was the one that really started the fishkeeping epidemic and we were tremedously sad when he passed away earlier this year. He was an absolute diva and we have named our abei in his honour).

What you looking at?

More bloodworm..purlease?? lol

Aint I beautiful?
lol there are loads of studio ghibli fans on this forum :p I think there is someone with at least 5 character names for their fish haha.

He looks awesome :) Those pics are brilliant one of the worst parts on puffer info for me on the net is the lack of good pictures.
Glad I am not alone! I like the names as they are unusual and quite quirky characters lol. Aw thank you, I try my best with the pics but fish can be pretty impossible sometimes..;)
Hey hun, just wanted to say he is absolutely stunning :)

My Abei, Olive, sends Calcifer her love :hey: lol
Your abei is stunning and glad he has fit in well :)
Thanks guys and thanks silverrabbit! Wouldnt that be amazing to get puffer babies? A dream that wont be fulfilled lol, but Im so pleased with him, have you any pics of Olive?
I shall get some pics of Olive... girly name but he/she looks like an olive :fun:

Your puff is so gorgeous though. Is he really active? I know mine zooma all over the tank and eats EVERYTHING.
He hide the first day naturally, but so far has been out and about all over the place. Only managed to try him on bloodworm so far though he has eaten the off snail in that tank, I have a whole menagerie of food for him to try lol. Ohhhhh cant wait to see Olive :)
I love thise puffer he is a stunner, never seen one of those before. His eyes in typical puffer fashion are great :good:

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