Byron Hoskings Funeral service

Very touching service. Thanks for posting this. I see that @JuiceBox52 was there and represented the entire membership of TFF which is so appreciative of the many years in which Byron so patiently answered all questions from the membership here. His input to our forums will be missed. Byron will always be remembered by members here who benefited from his sharing of his vast knowledge of all things fish related.
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Thank you so much, @AbbeysDad , truly appreciated!

I can't just yet... I clicked play but I'm still really raw and began fighting a panic attack, but I do want to come back to it when I feel able. Rest in Peace @Byron , you'll always be in our hearts and minds. I know I'll never forget you, your compassion and wisdom, and how much you gave to us and this hobby.

@AbbeysDad , you're missed around here too. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know it's even harder on you, having been so close to Byron. Hope you return to being more active here when you're ready, you have so much wisdom to share as well.

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