Busty girls


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
My girly tank is behind two of the boys' tanks. They are all flirting all day. The girls, Cracker, Surprise, and Delilah are sooo busty. I assume now, ya learn the hard way when you don't buy the book, that they are filling with eggs. What do I do? I'm not prepared to raise fry at the moment, I don't believe. Well maybe, but....
You must have some handsome boys :rofl:

Just block their view from the boys, eventually the females will absorb the eggs and/or start dropping eggs like no 2morrow..

Ive also heard that an Espom Bath works too
They'll just drop them and eat them,most likely. It's so crazy when they do that :S But I agree that blocking them from the boys may be the best move.
DaSauce, you are such a softy. :nod: Epsom salts, hehe, does that take down the swelling and the itch too?

Or only help them drop the eggs?

I was thinking that human females have a limited number of eggs from birth. I assume that is true of fish as well?

It seems unfair not to let the boys have a turn :*)
jollysue said:
I was thinking that human females have a limited number of eggs from birth. I assume that is true of fish as well?
I don't know the answer to that, and now it's going to bother me until I find out :lol:
I tried finding the answer via Google, but with no success. Anyone know?

Anyway... maybe your gals will be like Mini... she's constantly heavy with eggs, but not eggbound. I think she's gradually reabsorbing her eggs at the same rate new ones are maturing. She's not in the view of any other fish, so I guess she's just a very fertile lady, lol :dunno:

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