bumble bee goby and betta


New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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3 gallon eclipse aquarium, some live plants and driftwood, one betta, ghost shrimp, and dwarf algae eater. Would like to add a bumble bee goby some say that they are kind of aggressive and fin nippers. The lfs keeps them in the birthing tank with guppies and they say that a bumble bee goby would get along fine with a betta. Concerned with the goby nipping and becoming a nuisance to the betta.

Looking for some advice from anyone with experience with both of these fish species.
Bumblee bee gobies as far as I am aware require brackish water conditions (ie slightly salty) whereas a Betta doesn't.
Hi Ritt

FIrstly :hi: to the forum

TAA is spot on. These fish are not suited to the same water condtions, and should not be kept together. They can be put in to the same tank. But the bumble bee goby will not be very happy, and I suspect it would not last to long.
Thanks for the welcome

That was another question I have had because the lfs definitely didn’t have the bumble bee gobies in a brackish water tank.

I am looking for another small fish to add to my small tank that will leave my betta alone but I also want something that will be entertaining to watch

Have any suggestions
usually lfs will keep the fish in regular water. Though not optimal by any means the fish will survive for awhile that way.
Definitly brackish though
If you like the BBG's, why not try to find some Peacock Gobies/Gudgeons, they are a beautifuly colored FW Goby thet should work well in a small tank.
Thanks for the info

I had a feeling the guy at the store was wrong the only reason i didnt get the fish was b/c the guy couldnt catch the thing. Goes to show that I should do more research before buying.


I am interested in the peacock gobies I have never seen one before. Know any places with information on them. Do you think it would be a good addition to my small tank.

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