Brown Staining In Tank And On Plants


New Member
Jan 9, 2011
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In the last week around the edges of the leaves on the plants have gone brown and there is brown stains on the glass and ornaments. I have taken them out and cleaned them all up, but does anyone know why this is has started to happen?
google diatoms and you will find your answer. :good:

Hmm had a read... is there a marine biologist in the house?
For cures they all seem to mention this problem in saltwater but I have a freshwater tank. Can anyone help how I can get rid of it, as I did read that if it is not kept in check then it can kill the fish???

It is harmless and most newish set up tanks go through a spell when they have diatoms. Usually disappears once your tank matures or you can rub it off by hand. Some algae eating fish enjoy eating it too. My three oto catfish cleared it up within days.
google diatoms and you will find your answer. :good:

Hmm had a read... is there a marine biologist in the house?
For cures they all seem to mention this problem in saltwater but I have a freshwater tank. Can anyone help how I can get rid of it, as I did read that if it is not kept in check then it can kill the fish???

From my own experience diatoms is associated with new tank setups which do claer up as things mature.

It`s nothing to worry about, it`s typical in a lot of new setups :)
If you brush it off with your fingers before you do regular water changes it`ll go away soon enough ;)
It`s nothing to worry about, it`s typical in a lot of new setups :)
If you brush it off with your fingers before you do regular water changes it`ll go away soon enough ;)
Thank you guys, that is a relief, I seem to be doing a crash course with my tank

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