Bronzecat Is A Numpty

See there's more of them than we realise :lol: :lol: :lol:
I quite often a numpty lol :blush:

i had to laugh when you explained numpty as i remember a conversation i had with a fella from Cali about how we use the term pants to mean rubbish, now he uses it all the time. Sorry te memory just made me giggle
I come under that category vitually every day :blush: :blush:

One example was.....I was reading instructions on a box with a magnifying glass as the writing was so small. I complained to hubby that the glass was making the writing appear upside down.............yes you got it..........I had the box upside down.....oops :blush: :blush:
lmfao brilliant!!

im always being a numpty, ive got a massive burn from my exhaust, as i was pointing something out on it to my dad, but actually touched the exhaust. doh!
I left my keys at the PO today, i am always doing that. I put them down then walk away and leave them....its my only set too. Thats just my mild numptyness too lol
Wonder if there's a numpty forum somewhere :lol:
LOL! I know some people who defo fit into the numpty category... usually me. Like the time I was cleaning the gravel on the 7 gal, pickd up a piece of wood and dropped it on my fingers. At least I didn't drop it on my fish. lol

Does obsessive buying of bettas - "oh look a hot betta I don't have a tank set up I'll buy it anyway" qualify as numpty? Cause if so I think that must be the lot of us!!! :lol:

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