***Corydora Crazy***
Good luck with your eggs,we expect little fry in a few days
Here's how i hatch my eggs,and has a near 100% hatch rate,i put the eggs in a catching net above an airstone in the fry tank,when i do a daily w/c,i just transfer the net into a yogurt pot,then put them back in when i'm done,the hatching works for me ,once they hatch i transfer them to a tub with an airstone.
Here's how i hatch my eggs,and has a near 100% hatch rate,i put the eggs in a catching net above an airstone in the fry tank,when i do a daily w/c,i just transfer the net into a yogurt pot,then put them back in when i'm done,the hatching works for me ,once they hatch i transfer them to a tub with an airstone.