Bronze And Panda Spawned Again

Good luck with your eggs,we expect little fry in a few days :)

Here's how i hatch my eggs,and has a near 100% hatch rate,i put the eggs in a catching net above an airstone in the fry tank,when i do a daily w/c,i just transfer the net into a yogurt pot,then put them back in when i'm done,the hatching works for me :),once they hatch i transfer them to a tub with an airstone.

I got this tip off Harlequins for my eggs and it has worked a treat! Just battling to raise the fry now ;) Best of luck with them :good:
Here's another picture of hatching eggs. In this case the spawning group was in a single species 10 gallon tank. The fish and gravel were removed and the eggs left to hatch where they were deposited.


It looks like you have a good setup there snowflake311. Lots of luck raising them. :)
i like that one to inch worm,now one last thing and sorry if i have highjacked this fourm topic but any one have any pics of the "T" position
Here is a good video showing the t position
I have fry. Woo hoo they hatched. I have around 15 I think hard to tell they are so small. I'm getting the fry tank set up today. I will move them in a day. I'm excited. How long will it take till they will be big enough to go back with the parents?

Now the real fun starts. How offten do you do wc? I have done daily in the past.

2 days ago I saw my panda spawn she put 3 eggs that I saw deep in a clump of java mass. I'm going to move that clump to the fry tank in hopes that some eggs are still in it.
Congrats snowflake :good:

Daily W/c are good,keep the bottom clean and don't overfeed :)

My lastest 2 babes were around 4 weeks old when they went in with the adults,best to go by their size really...

good luck,i hope you find your panda eggs also :)
More good news. I have 22 C. aeneus fry and I took the moss out and picked around. I found 4 eggs and one fry. So I should have 5 panda fry. Woo I'm so happy about that. The panda Cory is way bigger then the bronze it's crazy and the pandas spawned a few days after the bronze. What a great new year. I will get sone photos.

Harlequins did the skunks spawn for you yet?
Wayhay fab news :good:

I haven't seen the skunks lay eggs,although i did find eggs that night,but the trilineatus were active also and the guppies wouldn't leave the corys alone,i only found 5 eggs,nomally they lay a few more than that.
only time will tell what they are.. good luck with that.

I counted wrong I have 5 panda eggs and one panda fry. I did not count the egg on the moss.

Here they are.

Here are the fry. See the black sheep.. He is bigger and longer.


Here is the Fry growing out tank. I'm going to put some Java moss in. I have a very light dusting of sand down going to try it since Frank suggest it. I have a little sponge filter is that good enough for now you think since will be doing Daily WC?

I not get over it. It took so long for me to get a good batch of corys and now that I have They spawn. I really thought I would never get any corys to live in my tank. I don't suck at fish keeping after all. :)
Lovely pictures, snowflake311. I'll be looking forward to following their progress. :D
Fab pics! how do you get such good close ups?

Well done you :good: for going from no corys to cory babies :)
Thanks guys. I have a 10mp SLR with a macro setting. So when I crop the photos it makes them even closer. Thats the key to getting good close ups.

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