bristlenose pleco Question

this type of pleco must be pretty rare. I never seen one in any of the fish stores I go too. My petco has not had one and neither has Meijer.
Petco used to sell them for $3; they are very common. However since the pandemic petco stocking has been rather unineresting.
My new BN hung exclusively behind the heater in the bare quarantine tank; once in the main tank he settled in and started to get more adventurous. I actually moved him early b/c he seemed stressed.
I agree with the others who said the white dots are probably just his coloration. If the bristlenose was introduced after your other fish, however, and there is a chance that it has ich, watch carefully. Plecos are usually the last to get ich due to their armor, but they can be more difficult to cure.

Your fish's behavior (hanging out by the heater) sounds normal. most pleco types will hide much of the time. bristlenose plecos are better than clowns, though. When I bred bristlenose plecos, I saw them regularly. I have a couple clown plecos that I rarely see.
I agree with the others who said the white dots are probably just his coloration. If the bristlenose was introduced after your other fish, however, and there is a chance that it has ich, watch carefully. Plecos are usually the last to get ich due to their armor, but they can be more difficult to cure.

Your fish's behavior (hanging out by the heater) sounds normal. most pleco types will hide much of the time. bristlenose plecos are better than clowns, though. When I bred bristlenose plecos, I saw them regularly. I have a couple clown plecos that I rarely see.
For those who talk about fish behavior; they really should talk about the sex of the fish. As to 'hiding' or being out during the day with regards to BN it depends quite a bit on the sex of the fish. Sure there is some variance among individual fishes but generally speaking one sex is going to be out a whole lot more than the other....
Regardless of sex, my bristlenose plecos were out and visible much of the time--and not just those in my grow-out tank. That has not been the case with the juvenile clown plecos that I currently have, but if I knew the sex of those, I would share it.
Mine hides about 90% of the time. I can go a couple of days sometimes without seeing her (I think it is a female).

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