Bristlenose Plec Colour Change


Mar 4, 2008
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Posted this over in the emergency section and no one seems to know the answer but then thought I might get a better repsonse here....

I noticed my BN Plec showing a small patch of lighter colour on her back. I just put it down to her growing so rapidly and never having kept one before thought it was just a slight change of colour. No flicking or rubbing and she she seems fine! Seems the lighter patchy colour is spreading. I have looked at it through a magnifying glass and it doesnt seem to be fungus

I need to know if this is ok or is she sick? She seems happy enough - growing fast, very active in the day time - not shy at all and eating like a horse! Ive taken this photo of her

The fish in the picture looks fine.
If the patch is a cream or grey colour it could be excess mucous or skin parasites. Excess mucous is normally caused by poor water quality. Skin parasites will usually cause the fish to scratch or rub on objects in the tank.
Thank you for your reply. The patches are the same colour as the 'spots' a kind if yellowy colour. Just looks like the 'spots' are merging?

Dont have any problems with any of the other fish in the tank.My water stats are good - I do a 30% water change and good gravel vac weekly

PH 7.6

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 20
it is probably just normal colouration and the fish is changing a bit as it gets older. It should be fine :)
Bristlenose plecos get a blotchy color when they are stressed. I noticed when I first brought mine home she looked blotchy. As soon as she settled is she was all one color again with her cute white spots.

I also read some place that these fish can change color to blend in better. I am not sure if this is 100% true. BUT there are many fish that can so maybe.
I had a similar worry with my common plec a while back as he seemed to go blotchy from time to time. Turns out he's fine - just seems to change colour if feeling stressed or disturbed. Your BN may be doing the same thing.
I posted this thread last month and thought id update. My Bn is fine! She is growing like the clappers and still spreading the patchy colours which is permanent. seems she is trying to blend in with the gravel I have and shes doing a pretty good job!
So glad to hear your plec's doing well.
I've seen mine alter to more closely match the colouration of gravel, rocks, slate, wood, whatever large area they're on any length of time.
But it would be scary to just have some of the pattern change and not be sure...

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