bristlenose flicking

Not sure about the ragged fins but when I first got a bristlenose (together with some barbs) it did a lot of flicking depite all of the existing fish being fine.... as were the water parameters except nitrate of 70 (high tap water). I did a couple of water changes in a row and brought the nitrate down using a nitra-zorb that you put in the filter. Bristlenose stopped flicking.

I've heard from a few people that if you put fish in a tank with low nitrate and it builds up they can have immunity to it (although prob still does long term harm) but new fish are more affected by it - resulting in flicking, sluggish behaviour and in extreme cases death from nitrate poisoning.

Now I re-charge my nitra-zorb fortnightly plus whenever I add new fish.

Hope this helps
Heh heh Cava, and the end of the day if we all had the same experiences we wouldn't need the forum! (just kidding) but it is nice when we can all come to joint decision, im glad ur pleccys fine and its kinda cool how this has worked out :D Anyway, everyones opinion is valid, and to a certain degree all of the experiences that we've had shape how we keep our fish so new methods of fish keeping are made and old techniques are improved :) yep indeed
As for raggy fins this can be caused by stress or just a need for a water change, my old Angel used to get a tatty dorsal fin when this happened. If theres nothing wrong, give her a good feed (and a 10% water change) and it should be fine :thumbs:
my large female has a raggy tail and dorsal fin, she fine tho. She has had this for months now. I am not sure what it is
thats a relief about the fins. ;) She looks fine so I wont worry. They are more 'uneven' on the edges rather than just rounded or smooth but I thought I'd check.

Thanks for that input New Boy. my nitrate is quite high at 50/60/70 ish. Not really sure why this is as my tap water isnt like this. It has always been at these sort of levels even if I do a water change. Bit strange. It is stable though. As my LFS will have the same water as me it may be that they are able to maintain lower nitrate levels than I am so I will ask them next time I am in there. Oooo, must I go back so soon :D :D

Thanks and :flowers:

:fun: Cava :fish:

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