
good job! i hope u have babies! knowing me, the bettas would attack and kill each other :(
Thank you both! :D

Its not going quite to plan though. The female was showing all the signs of being ready to spawn so i let her out, they did the usual chasing and nipping (nothing major!) then he showed her his lovely bubblenest and she destroyed it :(

He chased her into a corner and is currently re-building his nest! This could take a while... :lol:
Jessica13 said:
He chased her into a corner and is currently re-building his nest! This could take a while... :lol:
LOL! :p at least she has high standards... have you put a half styrafoam cup in? It looks like he kinda did it in the open.

The parents are BEAUTIFUL! I'm sure the babies will be tons of different colors and fin types... :thumbs:
Guess she wanted to be wined and dined first! :lol: That girl ain't no skank! Haha, sorry to hear the first try wasn't a success, but hopefully the next one will be~ Just give them some time to flirt <3
mybabieshavefins said:
*crosses her fingers and cues the easy listening music*
Come on, kids! We're counting on you to get it on~!
Lol nice. and o_O thats a mean female to do that to his nest. oh well he'll make another one and then probably get it on. :lol:
pseud said:
Jessica13 said:
then he showed her his lovely bubblenest and she destroyed it :(
lol denied!

I've heard of female destroying a nest if it wasn't up to their standards, but I've never actually seen it happen, hehe. Oh well, maybe the next one will be good enough :rolleyes:
I have eggs!! :D




Fingers crossed i have babies very soon! :D
Ooooh how lovely!!! Congrats on your successful spawn! Now let's hope daddy is a good boy and takes care of them so they hatch into beautiful fry! Good luck!
:bday: :- ... oops wrong occasion.... o.o! :hi: new babies to your new and loving world of care and joy! :hi: forever and enjoy the attention :hi: new babies you'll have a blast! :hi: new babies just like in the past... generations ????

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