You had free swimmers with the wire plenty. I would stick with your routine of fixing things you Know are wrong and not messing with things that haven't been a problem yet.
I only sound smart cause this is the only thread that I haven't said : My Bolivian Rams Spawned today
My eyes just welled up. The Momma hates the Daddy though and has banished him to the dog house. Literally. Theres a crappy video with too loud music in my Inexperience thread. I have learned a lot from you, and though I was sooooooooo Excited, I kept my expectations realistic and don't expect eggs in the morning on this spawn in a community tank.
I will let them have a few practice tries and then move them to a breeding tank if things look promising. WHo knows...the momma might be a beast like me.
Sorry for the speech in your thread, but it's an example on how much this thread will help people. I'm so glad I've read this through and seen your journey