breeding help

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i have a pic and i did wot u said about how to put pics on!

the one i am talking about is the red one in the foreground, there is a fighter and two guppies aswell. sorry it isnt a good photo
i definitely see two bettas, a guppy and a neon. the one in the forground is a betta. though the picture is unclear, i'm almost certain that it's a male veiltail betta with chewed up fins. are all those fish in the same tank? it's hard to tell.
yeah. they are all in the same tank. it is a 15 gallon and tha=ey all had to crowd in for the photo. i have 3 more tetra 3 peppered cory and a breeding net with some guppy fry. all the guppys are going to be rehomed tho.
i was afraid of that. you've got some major no-nos in your tank. two male bettas (as it appears that you have) should NEVER be kept together! they'll kill eachother and i'm surprised that they haven't already. you've got to get those guys out of there ASAP. also, bettas should not be kept with other colorful fish...such as guppies and neons. they'll be very aggressive towards them and fins will be nipped. (which, along with the bettas being together, probably explains the shredded fins) the cories are fine. you needs to get those two bettas out of there and your tank should be ok.
they have been together for about two weeks and i think it is the photo because the tails arent shredded in real life, they dont flare, the guppies are fine, only one death which was a female guppy who wasnt bright.
well...shredded fins or not, two male bettas together are a disaster waiting to happen. trust me. anyone else on here or anyone else that knows anything about bettas will tell you the same thing. please, take at least one of them out.
You have two MALE bettas in that tank. They are both SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH.
They wont breed, they will fight and you should remove at least one of them from the tank. Even if you swapped it for a female the male will probably kill her, go and see the pinned topics at the top of this forum.
bettas and bettas cant be kept together!unless they are female.Yours are male so you need to move them.They will attack eachother and looking at that pic the bettas tail is in a bad condition!Move them to 1gallon bowls with a cover on.or at least move one.

and if you cant tell a cory from a betta then breeding is NOT a good idea
also anyone newbie or experienced fishkeeper can breed livebearers they breed like rabbits

you are definatly not read for bettas yet.sorry

and plz if you ask a question be prepared to listen to the answer!!!!!!!!!!
the people here know what theyre doing :dunno:
thanks for listening and taking them out!

where are you moving them to? be sure to acclimate them and don't just dump them into a new tank. it would be a good idea to get two very clean tupperwear containers and fill them with water from the tank that the bettas are already in and put each one in his own container.
what do you mean by a "side tank"? what else is in it?

the guppies are in a breeder net with the fry? don't leave them in there too long, as there's not much room in there and the guppies will get stressed out.

you really shouldn't leave the betta in with the neons.

here's a suggestion... if the guppies are too big to be eaten, they're probably too big for the breeder trap anyway, so just let them loose in the tank with the bigger guppies and the neons and put the betta in the breeder net.

this is all just temporary. the bettas really need their own bowls, which should be at least one gallon.
Bettas generally should not be kept with anything else...they prefer to be alone.

People will say they are lonely..but IMHO that is a human emotion peopel transpose on thier fish. You think you would be lonely so you automatically assume the fish would be as well. When Betta's are notoriously known for being loners.

Personally I don't see where you thought the betta was a any way, shape, form, or fashion...but whatever.

For teh sdake of whatever else type fish you have...don't put the betta's in with them. And you may need to get some meds fro your betta...his tail looks tattered..probably from sparing with the other betta that was in with him.
the side tank is a plastic floating box which when the guppies are giving birth the fry fall into a lower compartment. it is small but i am going into the city in a couple of days and will get a couple of tanks then.

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