ghost shrimp guide

I don't know where you are, other than the USA, but there's a group called NANFA that specializes in native fish. There are a number of really interesting and appealing `southeastern native fish in the US - some killies and livebearers other than Gambusia affinis. Some of the absolute most interesting aquarium fish is are in the pygmy sunfish group, Elassoma. I've kept two species and while they are challenging, they are extremely interesting. They are really beautiful when they colour up.

They aren't tropical community fish because of water temperatures.
I don't know where you are, other than the USA, but there's a group called NANFA that specializes in native fish. There are a number of really interesting and appealing `southeastern native fish in the US - some killies and livebearers other than Gambusia affinis. Some of the absolute most interesting aquarium fish is are in the pygmy sunfish group, Elassoma. I've kept two species and while they are challenging, they are extremely interesting. They are really beautiful when they colour up.

They aren't tropical community fish because of water temperatures.
I am going to spend a lot of time on the NANFA website. Thanks.
The deer and the antelope play beside streams with Etheostoma spectabile....

North American darters are difficult fish because they need a winter, but keeping a tank at 3 or 4c is not easy. I took a very quick look at what you have in Wyoming, and it's really odd - you have many of the same darters I used to catch in Quebec - exile, johnny darters, etc. When the ice sheets retreated after the last ice age, there were no fish, and southern Quebec was repopulated by species that had survived in the Mississippi refuge. I guess some of them headed west too.

A bit south, and the diversity of Etheostoma is jaw dropping.

Where I am now, on the east coast, there were geological barriers that stopped the spread of a lot of freshwater fish back into the vacated, thawed habitats, so we have no darters. A zillion streams, but very few freshwater species.
I don't know where you are, other than the USA, but there's a group called NANFA that specializes in native fish. There are a number of really interesting and appealing `southeastern native fish in the US - some killies and livebearers other than Gambusia affinis. Some of the absolute most interesting aquarium fish is are in the pygmy sunfish group, Elassoma. I've kept two species and while they are challenging, they are extremely interesting. They are really beautiful when they colour up.

They aren't tropical community fish because of water temperatures.
im in california. i might've seen a type of darter once, it was very very small and was spotted black sort of like cory paleatus. stuck to the rocks
I don't know where you are, other than the USA, but there's a group called NANFA that specializes in native fish. There are a number of really interesting and appealing `southeastern native fish in the US - some killies and livebearers other than Gambusia affinis. Some of the absolute most interesting aquarium fish is are in the pygmy sunfish group, Elassoma. I've kept two species and while they are challenging, they are extremely interesting. They are really beautiful when they colour up.

They aren't tropical community fish because of water temperatures.
very nice tool for fishing, especially big fish!, i searched up my watershed and there wasn't any information about the tiny fish I found...

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