breeding fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I am thinking of breeding fish. But I am not really looking at keeping them. What do you do witht he fish after they have been bread.
It depends on what you are breeding. If you breed guppies, you might have to practically give them away because they're such easy breeders and readily avalible. Price also depends on how long you keep them / let them grow because the bigger the fish, the more expensive it gets here.
Where would I sell them. That is what I want to do but who knows if my father would let me. I would if I could. Make some money.
Would a pet store buy them? Maybe I oughta go call.
I found a place that would buy 25% of the price. I dont really want to use them as food. I find that kind of cruel, I know it happens in nature but still... I am going to go look into breeding. They told me that the bigger the fish the more it is. Any good fish you would reccomend?
mrcrabbs said:
I found a place that would buy 25% of the price. I dont really want to use them as food. I find that kind of cruel, I know it happens in nature but still... I am going to go look into breeding. They told me that the bigger the fish the more it is. Any good fish you would reccomend?
Not livebearers as LFSs don't really have a need for these. Find out what fish people want in your area and try to breed them.

I am going to go into zebra plec breeding in the next few months, I think. :)
oh thanks. Do you know what to do if the water is hard?
if your intrested in africans you could breed yellow labs they breed really easy but they are quite common still they are sold for about as much as other african mbuna 8-12 dollarsas juveniles, they also get almost full grown in about 2 years which is quick the bigger ones as you no sell for more and over half grown in 1 year, most mbuna are like this but the labidochromis caeruleus is very hardy and extra easy

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