Breeding Fighters


Fish Fanatic
Nov 1, 2005
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i'm looking to try and breed siamese fighters but don't really know the best way to go about it, could you give me some advice please, thanks! :)
i'm looking to try and breed siamese fighters but don't really know the best way to go about it, could you give me some advice please, thanks! :)
A very good starting point would be to read the pinned topics at the top of this section. Then come back with some more specific questions ;)
how big is the tank you need to breed them in? I have a spare 4 gallon(approx), is that big enough or will i need something bigger? I can get my hands on the stuff i need coz i work at a pet shop myself. I've bred corys before, is it much harder than them?
No you will need a 10 or 15 gallon tank at least that is only a fourth of the way full. Hold on a minute I know this betta breeder that is on this forum and I'll ask her to come on this topic and help you out. ;)
A four gallon would work for the spawning, but you'll need something much larger for growing out. Maybe a 30-50, spawn size pending. You have an advantage since yo work at a lfs, people are always trying to off old tanks, you might get a great deal!
Many. It really depends, but it can range from a lone survivor to 3 or 4 hundred, it just depends on how well you care for them :)
wow! so my 4 gallon is ok for the spawning yes? and then i'll need a bigger growout tank, that's fine. i've got a male at the moment so is it best to put him in there for a couple of days and then introduce a female?
No you will have to get the female and conditon both of them by feeding them bloodworms and other highley nurtrious foods. Then put the both of them in there own tank during the conditioning to see if they like each other and you can tell by if the male flares at the female and builds a bubble nest and if the female gets vertical bars on her body then you would have several plants and several hiding places in the 4g and release the male into the tank then you will have to sit the females tank in the 4g so they can see each other closer and have half a styrofoam cup on the surface so the betta can build his nest and after a few days you can release the female and wait for them to breed. Also make sure that the tank isn't filled all the way to the top. Fill it about half way.
A tall glass cylinder with openings on both ends usually works. I can't remember what they're called at the moment though.
Here's one of my girls in one...

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