Breeding Fighters

Yeah, she's pretty cute. I believe you can buy a glass cylinder like that in any craft department. They're usually for those oil lamps....?
Man, my memory today! Sheesh!
lol brilliant, thanks for your help everyone, really appreciate it! :D
when i figure out how to put pictures onto my computer, yeah!
Do you have a digital camera and I belive its called a USB cable or something like that?
yeah my mum has, and i've just found out she knows how to put photos on, lol. i'll try getting some pictures on tomorrow of my fighter and my tanks as well.
what kind of betta is he? a pet shop veil tail? those aren't recommended to be bred from.
also, if he's over a year old (which most pet shop ones are) you're going to end up with deformed fry that'll just have to be culled.

don't mean to be negative or anything!
Oh yeah I forgot about that. In order to breed you will need to get a betta from a breeder thats about 3 to 4 months old I think thats about the perfect time for them to breed.
I agree on the VT part, but I've never heard of an old male turning out deformed fry :S
Why, exactly, would that happen? Old males sometimes aren't interested in breeding, but I've never heard of deformities. I plan on spawning my marble male again, and he was already a year old when I spawned him the first time. I'm going to put him with one of his daughters next. And I know for a fact that Jim Sonnier spawns old men, he told me himself after he tried colloidal silver, he said his grandpas were like young bucks again!
Best thing to do is go on Aquabid or something... I really dont know any U.K bidding sites, but lots of british people on here, Anywho if you go on the bidding sites you can see people selling there fry that are about 2-3 months old, which I think is the best age to breed, when there young. plus if you work in a pet store you'll propably get the upperhand on things. The stores get there tanks from a wholesaler which is wayyy cheaper, Im not sure if its against the law :shifty: but if you find a wholesaler near you, go to them and ask if they sell single tanks, Or just try calling them before so you wont waste time. :p .About the fry question I heard many people say that they have up to 300 fry, just like WUV . But I think it could be higher, :D ... If thats too much to think about, try thinking on what you can get out of it. Money, Money,Money,Money, Oh yeah and a butt load of bettas, almost forgot about that one :D ...

Good Luck! :thumbs:

-Arrowhead. ;)
And I know for a fact that Jim Sonnier spawns old men, he told me himself after he tried colloidal silver, he said his grandpas were like young bucks again!

Just ignore me if you already know this, but the point can't be stressed enough... don't rush into this. Breeding bettas and raising the fry is a royal pain in the butt and will cost you a pretty penny. Once the males are old enough to start fighting, you'll need to house them in individual containers which will have to have the water changed at least once every two days; more depending on how small the containers are. Not that that matters really, since you'll be doing daily water changes on the main growout tank anyway. I bought cheap tupperware containers to house my males in, and while they were less than $2 each, after you buy 40 of them you really begin to see how the money adds up.

The best advice I can give you is to wait a couple of weeks, no matter how excited you are to start this project, and spend that time doing as much research as you possibly can. Read breeding articles until you have betta info coming out your ears. Trust me, things go a lot more smoothly when you know exactly what you're doing and don't have to constantly second-guess yourself.

EDIT: It's ;)
The site is KG Bettas. I don't believe that he auctions his fish, just sells them.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think anyone is going to make lots and lots of money breeding bettas on the side.

Look at it this way.

Say you have a very successful spawn and you are left with 200 fry that you have to get rid of. Lets also say the fry on average fetch $5 each. There will be some that sell for more, but there will also be some that are deformed in some way and are either culled or given away.

Wow you are looking at about $1000 gross for that spawn. Looks good right? Well now lets subtract the cost of food for all those 200 fry*the 3 months you have them. I will be conservative, say $50-$100.

Still looking good. Now about the jars. I know Synirr bought tons of tupperware for about $2 a piece. For 200 with a 50/50 ratio of male to female you are looking at needing 100 of those. There goes another $200. What about the grow out tank. A used 40G runs about $200 around here, that usually comes with filter and hood, sometimes a heater. What about all the supplies you need just to spawn your bettas? The sponge filter, the spawning tank, the plants.....again I will be conservative and say you found really great deals and paid a grand total of $100 for all those supplies.

Where are you going to put all those jars and grow out tanks. A shelf is a must, probably more than one. Sturdy work shelves are about $40-$50 each. You would probably need 2 so there goes another $100.

Lets not forget the added electricity to run the heaters and lights in the grow out tank. There goes another $50-$100. How are you going to heat the jars? Heating pads work and so do space heaters so you can keep the room really warm. Both cost money. A good space heater is around $250-$300

If you have to pay for water the bills will be much higher as you are going to be doing daily water changes on the jars, and water changes at least 3 times a week on the grow out tanks. By the time the fish are ready to go to a new home you have now changed thousands of gallons of water. I can't estimate that one as I don't have to pay for water, only hot water. So I will guess and say over three months you will have to pay an extra $50-$100.

While we are on the subject of water, water conditioner is a must for all those water changes. Buying in bulk will save some money, but in the end it will probably cost around $200.

You should probably have some meds handy just in case the fry get sick. Plus things like IAL and/or black water extract. Better tack on another $50.

So how is it looking now?

$100 to get the spawn off and running
$200 for the grow out tank
$100 for shelves
$300 for the space heater
$200 for the jarring
$100 for electricity
$100 for water
$200 for dechlor
$50 for meds etc...


Your grand total profit is......$-350.00! Sounds like a great way to make money to me.

By you I mean no body in particular.

Sorry for the rant, I felt someone had to say it.

Your grand total profit is......$-350.00! Sounds like a great way to make money to me.
Haha, that sounds about right! :lol:
I don't think I lost quite *that* much as I cut some corners, like only buying 40 tupperware containers and reusing them as I shipped fish out and using two large plastic tubs ($10 each) and one glass 10 gallon as growouts, but I'm sure I've lost more than $100 on this initial spawn, mostly from having to buy all the equipment and such I needed to get started.

Betta breeding is definitely not a profitable hobby. From what I hear even the best breeders are doing pretty well if they break even.

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