I appologise if i'm highjacking this thread a little bit, but at what size/age are bristlenoses mature enough to breed at?
I've had small spawns from pairs as small as 2.5"
3-4" would be more normal though.
Thanks for the info Smirthrc

I would like to give breeding bristlenoses a go myself at some point in the future, however i already have a fair amount of plecos already, would bristlenoses have a problem breeding in tanks where there are already plecos like clown plecos, para pleco's, common plecos, sailfin plecos etc and loaches like yoyo loaches and clown loaches etc (not all of these fish are in the same tank)? Would the BN's become territorial at all during breeding time?
I could just imagine my loaches and current pleco's gobbling up any any bristlenose eggs layed in their tanks, like how one of my common pleco's hoovered 7 clutches of albino corys eggs in a single day....