
Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Ok I'm seriously thinking about having the lesser known greater upside-down but am having difficulty finding out much about them. Although very similar to the more popular nigriventis it is black and grows to a larger 8".
Sadly this is about all I know. Apart from that it doesn't always swim upside down, just sometimes. :rolleyes:
If anyone here knows more or somewhere I can find more details. I have googles it but it mostly comes up with the nigriventis type. I'm going to try the latin name of brachysynodontis batensoda shortly but since you guys have always prooved a great help in the past I figured you might be able to shed some more light on these delightful fish. :)
Paul_MTS said:
Just been reading that. Seems to be the one. Just trying to find out a little more then they have there. I try to know the fish reasonably well before getting them. In this case the tank for these hasn't even started cycling yet. Has some wiring and bits to sort first so still waterless.
The tanks the as yet unsorted 60 in my siggy so a good size for them. I'm trying to get an idea of whether they prefer company of their own kind etc and how much space they like each. They don't seem territorial from what I've found so far but I shall keep at it. If anyone else knows or comes across anything be v.greatful. :thumbs:
hi if you go to & go into catfish factsheets you will find it on factsheet 65 hope this helps :D sorry you will have to type address in your self dont know how to do click here :(
Yay!!! Now am gonna shamelessly plug my lfs since Steve has pretty much completely sorted my third tank ready for use now, bless him.
Petpaks of Hardwick, Cambridge, UK. He's gonna let me have some of their water etc for cycling with too and they already have the fish I'm after. I can't fault them even slightly. :thumbs:
Apparently there have been specimins of the giant UD cat as big as 12" long! They like to be in groups so the more the merrier. If you have a 60G and just have the giant UD cats as your bottom feeders you could have 4-5 i would have thought.


p.s. Water is hardly benneficial. If you can get him to give you some gravel form one of their display tanks that would be FAR better to help you cycle. Water contains VERY little bacteria, if any, where as a scoop of gravel will have some level of bacterial colony, if the tank is established there will be alot.
I'm kinda hoping he brings it with some of the gravel. I know the water won't make alot of difference but after the work he's done I didn't wanna be ungreatful.
I have no plans for any other bottom feeders in the tank but not sure I'd get away with that many as the gallonage is made by the height. Although it has reasonable floor surface (I'll measure it shortly as I have forgotten what it is) it's quite a deep tank. I can't reach the bottom without standing on a chair and having my arm in up to my shoulder practically. Alright so I'm not the tallest of ppl but even so....
I'll go find the measuring tape and edit this one with the ground coverage.
Edit:Yeah, substrate area is approx 36 by 19 inches. Maybe ever so slighlty over but we're talking maybe a centimetre max.
Edit edit:I am considering a second filter for the tank of the external type and it has a fair few airstones that it came with (the tank) so oxygenating is no problem. I'm treating this tank as a 55 max, actually gonna change that in my siggy...
Sounds good, plan it properly and it should be fine, 36x19" bottom area is a good enough space!

Ahh coolies. :D Water goes in tomorrow and cycling begins. I can then decide if the filter seems sufficient or not since I still have my doubts. Not one of my usual choices, it came with the tank so....
My 32 for the pictus cats is still not completed cycling! I'm going spare now! :rolleyes: *Mutters obscenities about stupid nitrite readings.* :grr:
You can actually use plants to help cycle your tank but the easiest way is to get a couple of hardy fish like platies / swordtails / danios / kribensis and add them to the tank after a week with the filter running.

Don't add catfish too the tank too early! It should be a minimum of a month before you add catfish UNLESS you take media from an established tank and transfer a good bacterial colony that way.

If you already have a tank running then take some of the gravel from that tank and youc an speed up the cycle immensly.

As for reccomendations for your tanks I would have another type of cichlid, maybe festivums or maybe something like Gouramis. Large tetra, some barbs or maybe things like glass catfish or rainbows.

I do have a tank running fully stocked (as you can see in my siggy). I won't dream of adding fish. I'm fishless cycling! Nitrites currently present in that tank would kill off even the toughest fish right now.
I may well nick a bit of the gravel and put it in a suitable net bag or old stocking. Anything to get it hurrying up. :lol:
Ahhhhh! :D I can't believe it. I went to Swallows in Rayleigh, Essex today for some angels for my 55g. And they had brachys in. I got 2 and brought them home. :wub: :wub:
They're soooo purdy. I shall take pics once they've settled down. :thumbs:
just wondering how much you got them for? when i set up my future african tank i want a couple of these guys.

if its got silverish spots on its side and has long whiskers then take it back bcuz its a mystus

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