Bolivian Ram?

chanish said:
hmmm, well tell her its just for a week, and how much electricity does one filter really use? haha your choice though. you can check your garden for earthworms and chop em up
out here in my location, its all sand, sand and more sand lol. I'm situated in middle east.
Well that complicates the earthworm plans a bit, LOL
You might want to look into raising your own fish foods.
daphnia,microworms,vinegar eels & brineshrimp are all pretty easy to grow. Some of the larger foods like mealworms & white worms are super easy as well.
I culture my own micro-organism mix in a small glass fish bowl. I've got a bunch of flower shrimp (filter feeders) and I found it cheaper to just grow my own food instead of purchasing large quantities of freeze dried brine/fairy/etc foods.

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