Boita Compatibility

I had the BBA too. it is weird, like little stalagmites... I think it's hitched a ride into the new tank by way of the heater lol, hopefully they take care of that too. it was no fun scraping the glass every other day! I will def look into the filter, it will be a while before I can afford it probably lol but it would be good to know about!! My new bolivian make has colored up so much I can't believe it. 
I know how you feel, Ive been wanting to get something a little dif than the barbs to stand out a little in the tank too... was thinking of a school of tiny like rasbora type things, I dunno though... sigh :rolleyes:

Its been a long day but Im pretty sure you didnt include the link hahaha... its ok, its the thought that counts :)
Replaced my marinelacnd c-360 with a fluval fx5 today. Man what a beast... And silent as ever.

Hey greenmumma did you find anything helpful about filtering your water? Just curious. Got my gh and kh test kit a couple days ago and i have relatively soft water. Was surprised actually gonna test again this weekend and compare to tap water.
That link was really interesting and helpful. 0o0o0o new filter, thats awesome! I want to get a gh and kh test kit, id be really interested to see how hard/soft my water actuallly is. It would atleast point me in the right direction...
yeah it would help you sort your ph issue out a little better to know how hard your water actually is. Still need to re test mine. possibly tonight as i'm setting with them. 
man that filter is awesome. hooked it up and started it at 11pm, by 730am my water was crystal clear just how it should be! My other filter couldnt keep up and keep any debris out of the water. this one sure does :) soo happy that i got it. I also picked up some seachem comprehensive today. Was using that plant zone stuff but the seachem is so much better. and more expensive! but seems like it will last much longer at 3ml/day vs 10ml/day
I use the seachem flourish, 2ml a day, and Im pretty happy with it. My vallis was melty at first, but i think it def. helped it to bounce back.  I forgot to dose for two days :X and noticed that my newer plant started to melt! So i know that using it really helps to establish the new plants..   
Awesome about the new filter, thats really exciting. Even after i took the bags of peat out of my filter, my water is still yucky looking, and my ammonia is still not quite at zero. Probably still the diatoms, seems how my second order of vallis is still kind of melty schmelty, hopefully that will bounce back soon, kind of sick of worrying about it all. My corie's fins are kind of ragged looking. At first I thought it was the naughty new tigers but I actually gave them to my friend for her 125G tank... and Im pretty sure that i can see new bits of fin missing. Its not fin rot, Ive had that a long time ago so i know what it looks like and i know how fast it moves, but I can't help but feel a little paranoid lol...  Im also wondering if it's bc all of the caves are getting shallower and shallower, i think my sand is leveling out, so they have to squeeze into their hiding places... I think after my weekly water change, Ill start with some melafix just to make sure. It should help heal up the fins a little anyways....
about the seachem again, i used it since day 1 of the new tank and barely made a dent in the bottle, so it really does last. 
AND someone is coming to buy my old tank tomorrow!!! :yahoo: so awesome driftwood is on my horizon :yahoo: i am so excited muahaha :yahoo:  .......and maybe some loaches in the near future once I make sure the cories are well, and I get my driftwood in and take out my rocks and make some more hiding places. I picked up some silicone and pvc piping today, so i should be busy the next couple of days :rolleyes: the challenge will be to make it look natural enough, we'll see how it goes. I wish the ground wasn't covered in snow so i could take a trip to the lake and get some more rocks, but that last storm really ruined that idea. We didn't get hit too hard, but we've def. got a good foot of snow now. Hopefully the new cave will fix "junky" the pictus's bad mood since the move to the new tank. He's still a bit crabby lol 
Well i'm hoping that you sold your old setup already! We had a big power outage last week and I lost internet until yesterday.. Bummer. Hows everything going? ammonia levels going down yet? Trust me I know how it is with the snow. We have gotten like 3ft of snow in the last month.. I'm tired of shoveling. 
How are your cories fins doing?
I have been using the seachem stuff for a few days now. using about 4ml a day in the big tank. about 3/4ml in the little tank per day. Its pretty loaded with fallen plant pieces that are growing well in there! Damn clown loaches!
Is your little bn getting any bigger? How is it doing on cleaning? Any clue on sexing it yet? Mine is definitely a boy! 
Have you decided what your going to do about your ph? 
sorry to hear about the internet loss! I can deal with no cable, or movies, but internet would make me nuts lol  I don't mind a nice snowy winter, but it's just been no snow to too much snow then it rains. Its awful and Im over this season and can't wait for spring!
I can't believe how much bigger my bn is! He's still young, obviously, but he certainly isnt tiny anymore. It's really crazy, I was joking with my friend saying it must be the ferts
And I think he is for sure a male, no bristles, but there are little bumps across his nose, and more than just one to each side. I'm excited, I really wanted a bristled nose fella lol  
I wonder if I should bump up my dosage to 3ml a day. I bought a plant and it has just melted to nothing. Ill have to look up the name, can't remember. but it's awful.  The ammonia is doing much better, it's at zero at the beginning of the week, then by the time sunday comes and it's time to do a wc it's not quite 0.25 ppm, but still a little bit from zero. Im still betting on the melty plants, and a lot of leaves are still a bit slimy but the tank looks MUCH better. Im up to 4 otos now and I love them! I didn't realize they are a schooling fish! Its so cute, they spend the day cleaning like crazy, then night comes and they hang out together

heres my sad and awful news... I have ick :crying: I don't know where it came from.. the other day when i turned the lights on (wednesday morning i think) I noticed that my 4 rummynose were down to 3, someone keeps eating them, and then I noticed there were a couple white specks on them, but nothing crazy. Still, i watched them, hoping they were air bubbles or something, but nope.. it's ick. I ran out later that day and picked up "ick attack". Its the only thing i could find that won't hurt plants and invertebrates ( i just spent $30 on a crystal red shrimp order!!).  After two days, the specks were much smaller and I was excited (i had raised the temp to 84 too) so i felt great thinking it was working and that would soon be the end of it. But yesterday morning saw that the rummynose had many more specks on them. Then saw my two little green barbs have specks too :crying: They all look and act perfectly healthy though, no torn fins or anything and nothing slimy. Hopefully its just taking it's course and it's still going to work. I really wanted to zap the rummynose with something stronger when i first noticed them, in a bucket med bath, but i couldnt catch them!!! SO, Im thinking that it's been in my tank for a while, hence the cories' fins and sometimes flashing, then with the stress of their friends being eaten at night, the rummynose broke out with the ick. Its very depressing and im trying my best to not completely panic....trying lol 
I did, however, make my pvc caves which turned out pretty awesome if i might say so myself... junky the catfish is being stuck up and wont even go near it, but he'll come around... Ill upload some pics later, Im really quite pleased with them. I did order a couple plants, even though I probably shouldnt have, with the ICK and all :gross: but i did. and maybe Ill buy my dream driftwood with my tank money now. 
How are the little loaches doing???
Oh so sorry to hear about your ick breakout! I used to treat that with heat and salt. Learned my lesson not to do salt with plants... Oops. But its four weeks of hell stressing about it.. Loaches are very very prone to getting it thats why i qt everything before entering my big tank.

My little ones are doing wonderful. They think they own the tank. Even trying to boss the clowns around. Its funny because they just look over at them and even look like they are chuckling... Makes me smile. My new tigers almost look like goldfish they are awesome and cant wait to introduce them to the others.

I really hope your ick situation clears up good. You are just having a heck of a time since the new tank huh? It will get better. Just imagine running two 300 watt heaters in a big tank at 84 in a room thats 42... That in itself is stressful!!! Ha. Seen that on electric bill. Still dont compare to the filter pumps on the ponds though...

Im pretty happy my bn is a boy. Makes him more unique. He has a bunch of little bristles now. My clown pleco comes out more now too. Had him for a year or maybe more now. He is getting big. Beautiful coloration too. My favorite so far on plecos i can afford. Would love a zebra but at $150 i think not!!! Would have to devote to breeding them at that price!!!

Glad you got your other setup sold so quick!! Time for some wood. I got yelled at for buying more fish today... Then she fell in love with them. :)
Well i had that nice and spaced out... Not all one paragraph. Guess thays what i get for doing it on my phone. Heres a pic of my qt tank now


and i understand on the weather.. One ft snow, then rain. 19" snow... Rain. Eveb had sunny 40deg weather to rain to snow in two hrs. Very frustrating indeed
0o0o0o0o I love the albinos!! Very cool indeed! they should school nicely with the others as well. nice nice nice...
It IS very stressful. Ive never dealt with ick before, just hte fin rot episode about a year ago, so i have to keep reminding myself that this ick thing it just going to take time and patience and that Im not going to wake up to a tank of dead fish 
  Saw some specks on my trilineatus cory today...sigh. I think i am going to dose the meds once in the morning and once at night, the bottle says you can do so if necessary. 
You have sand in your tank, so do you have problems with it all over everything? It's always all over my plant leaves, and everything. Im wondering if it's the sand, or food dust. Maybe I should switch to better brands just to make sure.. and it could be that i have so many nocturnal bottom feeders rustling around at night, who knows. One day Ill stop worrying about everything lol
maybe the ick is a good thing, well no it's not, but atleast I HAVE to wait before deciding on whether to get my loaches or another group of cories. I would really like a different species of cories, but i won't have room for the loaches. I think if i don't get my loaches I will always wish I did, and you'll have to keep uploading videos of yours haha. I think i should just give my cories time to grow, they're still pretty small, so that will make a big difference, having 10ish full grown cories in the tank. 
Yes you are right... it's time to buy some awesome driftwood and fix up the tank the way that I want it, and hopefully by then i'll be almost done with the ick problem and i can get ready for loaches :wub:. atleast the driftwood will be a good distraction... I think tuesday I will go out and get some......
I HATE the it's beautiful outside one second, then the next awful. It makes it impossible to make plans for anything, yuck yuck yuck.
my husband wants to get a fish for the tank, and has decided on a red tail shark :unsure: Im not too sure about it, then we had to have the "control" talk again haha....  the specs on them look okay, and i guess it's best to just have one per tank, who knows. 
You know what's funny, my largest angel, who is kind of weird looking, just gold but has a weird black spot just on her nose/face, has grown so much since the other small three have joined the tank, and is now getting all different colors to her. Today I noticed a new black spot on her tail, and a reddish/orange spot on her body. She's trying to fit in with the marbled three i think lol.
When do you add the albinos to the big tank? I will be curious to see if their personalities are like the reg tigers or what..  :)
On the leaves of your plants i would say food/poo. My clowns kick up a lot of sand and i dont find it on anything but my moss ball. You can shake the plant a little and it should come right off. I also have a lot of flow in my tank too.

Imo the loaches will add more variety than some more cories. That was my dillema too... Clowns or something a little different. Im really glad i did. The polkadots are all over the place and are much more active than the clowns. But on the other hand i never have owned cories either. I like having something different to look at. And i can not wait to get the albinos in the tank. They will just look amazibg with the flat black background. Im gonna wait at LEAST 2 weeks. I did not get them from a pet store. I got them at meijer. Dont know if you have them there but its kinda like walmart sorta... So i want to be sure they are healthy. They dont get the care even petsmart gives... Sadly... I felt bad for them so i bought them all... Sucker i know! Tossed a big chunk of sponge from my hob in there to seed it again. Will keep an eye on water stats closely again. Wish i didnt work so much.. 60 hrs a week is a lot.

Rtbs are cool. Get kinda big and might harass some of your fish. Would be really concerned with the cories or loachrs since they will be smaller i believe. Could work as juviniles but it will be a big risk later i think. Really read up on them before you decide!! Dobt need any more tragedies!!!
I still cant get over the coloring in the albino. I want a hundred of them!!!
Sorry if this is all one lump again. Stupid phone. The puppy cage is in my office. Guess its time to bring the laptop home!!!

Wow it posted it as i wrote it... Cool.. Ha
lol lump sums are okay too.  The albinos are really neat, i like them a lot.  We don't have Meijers in the area, but i know what they are, i didn't realize they carried fish though. I know how you feel, every time i go to walmart, my son wants to look at the fish and i absolutely dread it. I don't know how the small amount that make it, actually do it. It's horrible. About 8 months or so ago, they re-did all of their tanks, and i was so excited to think they were cleaning up their act. The week that they added fish I actually bought tiger barbs from them, and thats where my barbs came from... but it didnt take long for their tanks to go downhill again. So sad... 
yeah, i wasnt sure about the sharks. Maybe he can pick out a nice platy or something haha. I think it's def food, bc if i shake the leaf, it all floats up and is clumpy looking, it's def. not sand. :gross: Ive been using mostly API bottom feeder pellets and API flake food. Def. time to change. I can't imagine that's been great for my ammonia either. poor fish, jeeze. I feel like a bad mum lol.....
I am def. going with the loaches. My cory obsession is a bit ridiculous lol. Ive wanted yoyos for so long I don't even know why Im questioning it, I guess i just needed to hear someone tell me so thanks :)  
is your QT a 10 or 20 gallon, i cant remember?  I have an empty 10 gallon in the basement, all i would need is a heater. I have a weird filter for turtles, it might do just for a qt tank, not too sure though. but Im thinking I should set something up for the future, really tired of being paranoid about my tank. The only space i have is in the basement though :/ 
Make your husband choose the loaches!! Ha. Then its settled. Thats how i got them. She chose them. Now i love them. Ha.

My qt was a ten gal until i picked it up half full of water and must have ruined a seam bc it started leaking. Then i got my 20 out. I have my 20qt, a 29, and a 55 that im yrying to weasel into gettin her to let me set up... No go so far. She dont want the qt srt up eather. Keeps askibg since tgeres plants now thats permanent now isnt it... :)

Well im off to go ice fishing with my dad... Its too dang early to be up on my only day off!!

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