That's awesome!!! not about the horrible fish death stories, but you're sprouting anubias!
...they take a while to grow, so as long as the rhizome is green, it's alive! I am so glad I bought the lot of them that i did, all of the roots are really taking off, and they look really neat and web-like.
I def. think that each fish situation is different, i could have sworn my black skirt tetras were demons and yours are nice. I had a CAE once that I didn't mind at all; it was kind of funny to watch him chase the other fish around every once in a while, he never really did any harm, just a little boisterous as you said hehehehe
Picked up another bolivian today, this one for sure is a male.. he's really beautiful, he already has a slight bluish to his fins, but he kicked one of the females out of the cory forest and staked a claim on the other one
so I think i should pick up one to befriend the lonely one lol.. it never ends... but that's okay with me. And I picked up two little ottos, i tried them once before but didn't realize they were as sensitive and they both died
but now I think they will do great with all my plants, and you know... tank slime. They're fat already, and i can see the difference just since I added them. Hopefully the slime is on the ousts, def. getting paranoid, so I did a big water change today and i actually took the peat out of my filters as my ph just won't seem to go down! still 7.9-8.0....
i bought some ph down..haven't used it yet and Im not sure if I will, but im thinking about it.....