i knowww. A part of me is trying to convince myself to just spend the money but i just can't lol. i went into this weird lfs that ive never been in before to get those plants. It was so weird in there, hardly any dead fish, which was nice to see but just weiiirrd. All of the tanks were tiny little 10 gallons, and the way they were set up made it looked like this lady was a tank hoarder then just decided to bring them all in one day. each tank had dif gravel and a random plant in it. There were no prices or organization to anything, it was strange. Even more strange was that she had so many different types of cories, i couldn't believe it. The lady was so crabby too. When i got out to my car my 3 yr old was like " jeeze, i didn't like that crabby old lady!!" hahaha...