
Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

i just noticed on the top of my male BNs head he has a kinda red patch ive never noticed it b4

ive seen pics of it on albino/gold BNs before but mines a common i believe

what does that patch mean??

Is the red patch flat or slighly raised of the skin, sure it isn't the coluration of the fish, red patches can mean septicemia
its flat i think

ive seen pics of it on albino BNs b4

does anyone no what it is??

Bacteria infection I think. That or viral. I'm pretty sure it's bacterial though. Usually from dirty water.
well it ainght that coz my water ainght dirty at all

waters changed everyday or two

i dont think it is an infection

has anyone got BNs an seen it on them

If it's not the colouring of the fish, only other thing is septicemia.


Symptoms: Cloudy eyes, open sores (ulcers) on the body or lateral lines, abscesses, rotting or inflammation (reddening) of the skin, fins or internal organs, bulging eyes or rapid breathing are all symptoms of a bacterial disease.
Treatment: Fish with bacterial diseases should be treated in a separate hospital tank. The best medication is a broad spectrum gram negative antibiotic such as nitrofuran or kanamycin sulfate.It is real important that you give the full recommended treatment as well as for the full treatment period to prevent the disease from reoccurring. If you have a ultraviolet light, it should be left on in the main tank to help control the spread of the disease.

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the waters fine ive been keepin fish for 9 years so no how to look after the water

also his perfectly health apart from that an ive just seen aload of pics of albino BNs that hav the red/pink mark on there head so i dont think its a illness

i just wnat no wat it mean if it even means anythink

Breeding that all i can think of, or it has matured into a grown adult.
thats the other thing i was just thinkin about

somthink to do with breeding

but i dunno

are the 2 males still together?

They may have been fighting - I've seen plecs trying to bit the top of the other head in fights (and succeeding)
no it ainght that

coz its like the same shape an everythink as ones ive seen on albini plecs an stuff

i think it could have somthink to do with the breeding

but i dont no

hi all

is it normal for a female BN to chase the other female away from the males cave??

how long have you had them now....

surely you sould be able to tell us if its normal or not :dunno:

you might find that if a particular female if looking to breed she will want to keep the male to herself if she can, this is assuming the male is not taking any interest as he would normally be the one in the driving seat - dont be surprised if both female end up spawning in the same cave if he plays his cards right.

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