Blue Ringed Octopus

Has anyone found the answer? Are BRO legal to collect in Australia?

Ive had a quick look on an Aussie marine site - and yes SH, it is legal to collect and keep BRO. But they are all saying you would be mad to keep one, they were talking about the BRO spitting toxins into the water so even just putting your hand in the water was dangerous if you had a cut etc. They were also talking about when the BRO gets used to you they have the tendancy to attack hands when they go in the water :blink:

Seffie x
You should get yourself a Flamboyant Cuttlefish, also native to Australia. They're just as cool, if not cooler.

Above are a couple videos of them in action.
Also, if poison is what gets you going, their muscle tissue is also poisonous.
The flamboyant cuttlefish are one of the 3 species of cuttlefish that are poisonous.

Oh mate he's gorgeous!!

Lovely little critter.

I got the same complaints when I was keeping wild Bullheads, some people don't understand that most fish in their tanks came from the wild, just because they bought it from a LFS aquarium, doesn't mean it wasn't bagged up from a river.

I'd be very careful with the lid as these things can squeeze through unbelievable gaps, but i'm sure you already know this.

I'd be doubling up my gloves, but thats cos i'm a bit of a wimp. Sounds like your being very sensible about it though, and I wish you and your 8 tentacled buddy good health!! :good:
He hasn't been active in a while! Hope he's ok!
In the meantime I thought this was a good video of octopus
He hasn't been active in a while! Hope he's ok!
In the meantime I thought this was a good video of octopus

haha great video, I'd have gone back for my camera too.

Hope steve's alright then, maybe he got fed up with being told off for keeping a wild animal *shrug*
I hope he got fed up, the alternative is he got bit by his BRO which isn't a nice thought!
Hope steve's alright then, maybe he got fed up with being told off for keeping a wild animal *shrug*

No one has complained about it being a wild animal?

People are just concerned that he is keeping one of the most deadly animals on the planet in his living room.

Nah I googled "man dies after keeping blue ringed octopus as pet" and it came up with no results, so i think he's fine xD

Your right, there are not many reported cases of deaths by blue rings, most likley because there aren't many people mad enough to keep one.
This is Steven's father posting this message. I was looking through his internet history and thought i'd write a post to let you all know of the dangers.

I have some bad news.

Just kidding guys. Both myself and Yog-Sothoth are both doing great! Oh i had a great laugh at the posts since last time i've been on. :D

Here's some new pics!

NOTICE: I really am Ok. That was not my father typing. :)

Hanging out on his filter head:



Eating a nice beach crab:


this is awesome!!! So it is possible to keep these things!! A lfs about 2.5 hrs away from me had one awhile ago. What is considered to be the minimum tank size for one of these?

Thank you for trying and experimenting despite all the backlash. Please document what, when you feed, lighting, sg size of tank, and any other relevant information to add to information out there. This falls a bit along the lines with my pink signature quote.
good one :good:

I believed it aswell (until I got 3 lines down of course)

Octo is looking stunning, does he have a name yet??
Dont worry about the name

more to the point has he started prediciting the outcome of football matches - you might be onto a winner there - the german octopus really gave the bookmakers a hammer a few moths ago.
His official name is "Yog-Sothoth, The Lurker at the Threshold, The Key and the Gate, The Beyond One, Opener of the Way, The All-in-One and the One-in-All"

But i call him "Yog" for short.

You'd be amazed at how simple my setup is. He's in a 1-1/2-foot tank, with a sand bottom and a large rock with a natural groove in the bottom that he uses for a tunnel (along with is own extra excavations). I only have a small "Eheim 2010 Pickup" internal filter in there and a dodgy old fluorescent light on top.

The major feature that i have is a 100 meter walk to the beach i caught and such, the ability to change 50% of his water, as often as i want, usually every 3 days. And it's the water he was living in, so perfect for him.

I do the same with my 3 foot tank, which is also stocked with fish, corals and inverts caught at the same beach.

I siphon the water in an out to avoid touching it in case of water bound toxins but i assume if it was that bad, the 3 shrimp and the Goby might warn me first :). Still i take no chances.

Oh and on the subject of safety, i do not wear the gloves i mentioned before to handle him! I do not handle him. I use a hand net to catch him, put him in holding tank and so forth. I only rely on the rubber gloves to keep contact with water to zero when cleaning.

He eats a lot, only seems to like crabs (of all sorts that I've put in there, haven't tried hermits yet), but when he's real hungry he has started recently to get excited and try to grab some fish flakes when i feed the Goby and Shrimps. I feed him a crab about half the size of him about every two days, but am pretty sure he would eat one every day. He has taken down crabs with very large claws, and one crab that was about twice the size of him (although he was nervous about that one at first, as in, it took him about 2 minutes to jump it) lol

That's about all the info i can offer. Anything else?

Edit: And no sadly no predictions yet.

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