Blue Lobster Question


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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if i feed my blue lobster more often, say in the morning, when i get home from school and when i go to bed, will it stop hunting for fish to eat, it has allready nabbed 2 and i dont want it to happen any more, and would his full stomach make him uninterested to catch them aswell ?
I personally wouldn't risk keeping it with the fish, blue lobsters are critters that are completely controlled by their instincts and one of their main instincts is to hunt. Feeding it a lot may help prevent it hunting to a certain degree, but you'll never be able to supress that part of its behavior completely, especially if yours has already been known to kill fish in the past.
it was strange as to why he only managed to catch guppies... it must be because they were guppies lol... my other fish, black neons, are never botherd by him but thats because they are never near him, i will be rehomeing the guppies as i am getting a 30g tank for them VERY shortly so i will just feed him more untill that time
I have a crayfish, that I keep with some tiger barbs in the "aggressive tank" Originally, everybody started out in the community tank, until cray tried to eat my 4.5in pleco. I moved her then. Recently, I noticed I was losing guppies, which I'm trying to keep alive so maybe they'll breed. The culprit, the barbs, so I moved them out.

I'm hoping that I don't have to move the tetra out too.

My aggressinve tank has the barbs and the cray and is 20 gallons. That's plenty of room for everyone to stay away from each other. They have been in a 10 gallon together, so I'm not terribly worried about the barbs. The guppies were eaten by either the barbs or the cray...I'm not sure which.
if i feed my blue lobster more often, say in the morning, when i get home from school and when i go to bed, will it stop hunting for fish to eat, it has allready nabbed 2 and i dont want it to happen any more, and would his full stomach make him uninterested to catch them aswell ?
this may help, however i fear the entry of the cray into the tank has already done the damage. even trying to keep a cray in a community, needs time research and a strong heart! i'm not sure any advice can help stop this hunting.

I personally wouldn't risk keeping it with the fish, blue lobsters are critters that are completely controlled by their instincts and one of their main instincts is to hunt. Feeding it a lot may help prevent it hunting to a certain degree, but you'll never be able to supress that part of its behavior completely, especially if yours has already been known to kill fish in the past.

As you say Cray are controlled like most animals, by instinct. however, most, Crayfish are opportunist feeders, to be blunt scavengers. hunting is far from a instinctual action. and is most likely a learnt trick.

if this Cray is indeen a "Blue Lobster" Cherax quadricarinatus or Australian Redclaw, then the comment is doubly true, as these cray are mainly veggi. though they will take sick and dying fish.

Sorry but in my view it was the way,time of introduction into the tank. the age of the Cray, and the fish in the tank. and perhaps most importantly the maturity of the tank, that are the causes of this. that said only a small % of even Redclaws are possible "community Cray". Till recently i kept a thriving, healthy community with a Cray. only ever lost one fish! and that possibly died before the Cray got to it! She recently died during moult, but 2 more are on their way, and 1 will, with luck, be my next community tank member.
if i feed my blue lobster more often, say in the morning, when i get home from school and when i go to bed, will it stop hunting for fish to eat, it has allready nabbed 2 and i dont want it to happen any more, and would his full stomach make him uninterested to catch them aswell ?
personally id take him out of the tank, as this is probably the only way to stop him eating your fish. they eat anything they can anytime they can. mine hauds food away too. also its not always about them been hungry or not they just dont like other things in their terittory especially if he is about to shed his skin

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