Blue Acaras


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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I have a pair of blue acaras on their own in one of my tanks, at the momment they have a batch of about 50 fry which are about 3 days old should i leave the parents to try and raise them or will they try to eat them after a few days.would i be better trying to syphon them out to prevent this or give the parents a chance to raise them. thanks :good:
Posted in wrong section as these are south american fish.

However my neighbor breeds these so your in luck.
Both parents will take care of the young, should not try to eat them,
Parents could become very aggressive towards other fish but if on their own all is good.
The young would do well if fed with artemia (baby brine shrimp) for first 7-14 days. Fresh hatch, after 24 hrs or so they lose the nutritional value. Refrigeration after hatching elongates that time frame. Similar small live food would be recommended to ensure survival.
A single pair will spawn several times a year sometimes even when still caring for a earlier brood of young.
I'd leave em alone.
And congrats!!

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