Bloodworm Tug-o-war


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2005
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Two of my girlies gave me quite a laugh earlier today. I was feeding some thawed BWs to my sorority tank and Atemis and Pandora grabbed the same bloodworm and being betta, neither was about to let the other have it, they sunk all the way to the bottom of the tank while fighting over that worm like too starving pitbulls over a steak (meanwhile the other girls are happily eating all the other BWs I was still feeding). Eventually the bloodworm split in half and they were both happy. :D It was hilarious to watch though.
Hahaha, I saw my juvies do this in the growout tank a couple of times. It's hilarious to see :lol:
Two of my girlies gave me quite a laugh earlier today. I was feeding some thawed BWs to my sorority tank and Atemis and Pandora grabbed the same bloodworm and being betta, neither was about to let the other have it, they sunk all the way to the bottom of the tank while fighting over that worm like too starving pitbulls over a steak (meanwhile the other girls are happily eating all the other BWs I was still feeding). Eventually the bloodworm split in half and they were both happy. :D It was hilarious to watch though.

Shame you didn't have a camera nearby, that would of been a good pic!! :D


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