Blood Worms For Mollies And Platies?

Mola Mola

Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score
North London, UK
I've had 3 fish die in the last week (a platy and then, a couple of days later, a molly and another platy). I think that the last two (which died on the same day) might have succumbed partly to the big ammonia spike from the first one (which might have been dead 2-3 days before I found it).

Have done a couple of very big water changes and all readings seem fine. It could be something else, but the big ammonia spike seems a very likely culprit.

I thought that maybe some blood worm would be a nice treat for the remaining fish, and perhaps might help them recover from any damage.

Am I right in thinking that platies and mollies will both eat bloodworm, and would it be worthwhile giving them some?

Any advice would be much appreciated.
I've given my Platy's bloodworm before. Never had any problems with it, although Platy's seem to eat everything. They also love brine shrimp.

I'm sure someone much wiser will come along and correct me if I'm wrong. But I'd say you're safe :)

Sorry for your loss. :(
Bloodworm is a welcome treat to 99% of the fish we chuck in our tanks so crack on.

I feed my tank with 5 cubes of frozen bloodworm every other day.
bloodworm is good for any fish,as is daphnia,and brine shrimp cant really see them killing your fish,iv got molly's and platty's in my tank and bloodworm has never done mine any arm,i feed 2 to 3 blocks a day.
I only give my catfish and 2 swordtails one cube but I split it along the day into 4 meals so that I make sure none are left over. They all love them.
when i used freeze dried brine shimp in one of my tanks, it totally clouded up the tank and smelt awful by morning (rotton eggs), so tested water and had ammonia present, so had to w/c...

I've done this twice now, and its happened both times. Won't be using it anymore. (sorry to hyjack)
I feed my tanks 1 or 2 cubes of frozen brine and/or bloodworms per week. Never had any problems with it. Brine Shrimp is easily their favorite.
I feed my tanks 1 or 2 cubes of frozen brine and/or bloodworms per week. Never had any problems with it. Brine Shrimp is easily their favorite.

Thanks for all of the advice guys. Much appreciated.

Ruskull's post reminded me of a question I had about feeding with bloodworms. Can you just put the frozen cube in the tank, or do you have to defrost it first?

I was a little worried about shock or frostbite! :unsure:
I feed my tanks 1 or 2 cubes of frozen brine and/or bloodworms per week. Never had any problems with it. Brine Shrimp is easily their favorite.

Thanks for all of the advice guys. Much appreciated.

Ruskull's post reminded me of a question I had about feeding with bloodworms. Can you just put the frozen cube in the tank, or do you have to defrost it first?

I was a little worried about shock or frostbite! :unsure:
I can confirm that neons and angelfish will die if they touch the cube. X_X Happened long ago when I first tried frozen food and the fish that touched it just flipped on a side and floated dead.
I just plop my cubes straight in. It defrosts pretty quickly. I've never had a fish die on me with frozen food :/
I just plop my cubes straight in. It defrosts pretty quickly. I've never had a fish die on me with frozen food :/
Well, any other fish species than those two didn't have much of a problem, but I don't know why they were dying so fast by just pecking at it.
Well, any other fish species than those two didn't have much of a problem, but I don't know why they were dying so fast by just pecking at it.
Weird huh!? :)
Thanks to all.

It looks like it will be fine with the mollies and platies but, given that they might not be at their strongest right now, I might err on the side of caution and defrost them first.
Well, any other fish species than those two didn't have much of a problem, but I don't know why they were dying so fast by just pecking at it.
Weird huh!? :)
Well, those were the most sensible fish I've ever had and I had no idea what they were until 5 years later when they were already gone -.-
I feed my tanks 1 or 2 cubes of frozen brine and/or bloodworms per week. Never had any problems with it. Brine Shrimp is easily their favorite.

Thanks for all of the advice guys. Much appreciated.

Ruskull's post reminded me of a question I had about feeding with bloodworms. Can you just put the frozen cube in the tank, or do you have to defrost it first?

I was a little worried about shock or frostbite! :unsure:

Here's what I do:

I cut the bottle off a water bottle to make a little tray. Then I put the cubes into the tray & add slightly warm water. Wait about 5-10 minutes, and then I use an eye dropper to shoot the stuff into the tank in controlled doses. This way I can monitor how much they're eating & if every fish is getting some.

The eyedropper I use is an old baby medicine dropper that happens to have 5ml marks on it so it also works well to add water to the testing tubes in the API test kit.

I also want to clarify that I split the 2 cubes between 3 different tanks about twice a week. I don't gtive each tank 2 full cubes because this stuff is supposed to be more of a treat & not their regular staple food supply.

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