blood parrot

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CFC said:
=DG=- said:
Lateral Line said:
Indeed, wild fish were also being "vacuumed" up from rivers and streams to provide raw material for the fertilizer.
Thats just wrong. No point wasting perfectly good fish when we have BP's that'll do the job nicely.
ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: , that is evil but very funny DG.
I have to agree with CFC. It's not necessarily nice, but it did crack me up :lol: :lol:

aka Lizard
KimmyFishy89 said:
To Kay_W
I am against hybrid fish that affect the way they function (No fins, tails etc). But fish that are mated to give a little bit of extra color, without harming the fish, imo, is alright.
Thats selective breeding you mean. They arent hybrids.

Cheers Lizard :)
Blood parrots are dyed red. Blood parrots are ALWAYS dyed red

You are wrong. They come in red, yellow, green, blue. The color WILL FADE after few months. It will come back to its original color which is light orange or sometime silver white.

Now, after their dye color fade, if you give them the right food, they will gain color again.

I have over 25 of them (small and big) they all go throught the color changing stage (about 3months) and THEY ARE NOT DYING as someone said. I have them since they were baby and now they are big fish. Very healthy.

I don't know what is up with those against blood parrot. Regardless of they are hybrid, THEY ARE STILL FISH, aren't they? So for those of you that want to have blood parrot, just go out and buy it. You will love these fish. DON"T let those blood parrot haters scare you away. B)

my 4 parrots arent dyed either....1 yellow.....1 is very faint pink/orange and 2 are still a dark colour as theyre still young and none of them have ever been dyed
BTW, -=DG=-, i find you VERY DISGUSTING and SICK for having the thought of sending BP's to the grinder.

You've been complained how cruel of people made BP and on the other hand, you want to sent a live fish to the grinder just because you don't like them? To me, you are much worse than those create BP. Grown up man. :dunno:

Get yourself to a LFS, buy one BP and see how they are. They have tail, they have fins, they EAT more than other fish, they PLAY more than other fish, they REACT faster than other fish. Who said they surfer and shorter their life span? Think again. They are very active and friendly fish in a community tank. Once again, if you never have a BP, then DO NOT make any negative comments about it.

For all others, if you dont' like it, don't buy. Once you don't buy, you don't have the fish then you don't know anything about it. therefore, keep your ignorance for yourself.

As a matter of fact, there quite a few fish that I don't like at all. They look ugly but i find MANY of you in here like but did I bash or talk #### about it? I don't have problem of people saying oh, BP is hybrid. Give it a brief history about fish and let the buyer make their own choice. Just don't jump in and bashing it. To me, that just BS.
Wow....I never read this thread before because I don't have any blood parrots and therefore have no real comment. I have seen them and I think they are some of the most interesting fresh water fish I've ever seen...I mean they actually have faces :lol:

I don't think they would mix so well with my other fish so I don't have one. But if I had the room I might just try one to see if they are as funny as they look...they are like pug dogs so ugly they make you smile.....just my opinion for all you pug lovers.

What amazes me is the passion on this board about this poor fish. I agree with those that say if you want to stop the practice don't buy and therefore the demand goes away....but only to be replaced by another demand. I'm surprised nobody talks about the poor "feeder" fish that are cramed in tanks only to feed to other fish...

We are humans, the highest form of life and we keep the lower forms as how cruel is that in you think fish like little bowls of water over their natural habitat, how about pretty birds in cages rather than trees? So what we are human and the top of the food chain....boy what a debate we could have with that one huh??????

Makes you go Hmmmmmmmmm
The question of hybrids has been discussed many times on the forum and surprise, surprise this one has gone the same way as normal. I am against BP's I am sure that the people that own them give them excellent homes and the fish don't deserve to be hated but lets try and put a stop to these hybrids, there enough great fish out there without having to make up a fish and who knows where it will end. I have already read about danios that have been genetically engineered to glow in the dark, I for one don't want to see such fish in our hobby.

Bubble what you see as BP behaviour is largely cichlid behaviour of which there are hundreds of wonderful species. so perhaps give a natural one a go, or perhaps a normal fish isn't quite so fashionable?.

So in the future lets buy fish that are natural and don't have inbreed deformaties that impare it's life I for one believe that natures way is the best!!!

David :fish:
This topic is heading out of control so i am locking it but it will be left here so it can be read.

Bubble, watch your language in future please, this is a family forum.
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