blood parrot

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I refuse to buy painted fish of any sort, and any fish breeded to have abnormalities that would prevent them from swimming properly, or eating. Although you might not believe in the disgusting practice of "painting" fish, purchasing painted fish is supporting it. When the LFS sees the fish being bought, they buy more from their supplier who continues to "paint" or genetically deform fish.

I am not against hybrids as a whole however. I myself have a gold marble angelfish. Please correct me if I am wrong, it isn't harming him.
my particular parrot fish isnt dyed/painted nor does it have any deformities, it is actually the greediest fish in my tank eating anything and everything.
however i accept there are plenty out there that are, ive seen lots of dyed fish.
but the point im trying to make is,
Ok we accept that probably these fish should never have been "made"
but what do you suggest should happen to the ones that already have and our in our lfs now?
because i personally cant hate them, i pity them
>>> nor does it have any deformities

All parrots do, their spine is kinked in order to develop the pointed "beaks".

Ok we accept that probably these fish should never have been "made"
but what do you suggest should happen to the ones that already have and our in our lfs now?

I could just as well ask what should we do with all the meat in the supermarket?

The meat is the end result of a process you find abhorrant, but these animals have already died, yet you refuse to buy it.

The parrots in the LFS are similaly, the end result of an abhorrant process....

>>> Send them all to the meat grinder

In Malaya, surplus fish from the breeders are tipped through wood chippers. It makes them easier to plough in as fertilizer.
Lateral Line said:
>>> Send them all to the meat grinder

In Malaya, surplus fish from the breeders are tipped through wood chippers. It makes them easier to plough in as fertilizer.
Finally, a truley useful reason to have the BP. I'm againt cruelty to animals, but in this case...
>>> Finally, a truley useful reason to have the BP

Wasn't just BP's, it was all the surplus unwanted fish, they were tipped into large dustbins and driven to the "chipping" site.

Indeed, wild fish were also being "vacuumed" up from rivers and streams to provide raw material for the fertilizer.
kay_w said:
...but what do you suggest should happen to the ones that already have and our in our lfs now?
because i personally cant hate them, i pity them...
I don't think anyone hates the fish, they hate what is done to them. I understand you want to "rescue" the fish. But in trying to help the little critters at the LFS, you are just telling the LFS to buy more of them. The fish industry doesn't care that you are buying the fish to save them. It only cares that you paid money for it. Your gestures are kind, but I suggest you dont purchase any more painted, or mutated fish. :no:
Lateral Line said:
Indeed, wild fish were also being "vacuumed" up from rivers and streams to provide raw material for the fertilizer.
Thats just wrong. No point wasting perfectly good fish when we have BP's that'll do the job nicely.
=DG=- said:
Thats just wrong. No point wasting perfectly good fish when we have BP's that'll do the job nicely.
that's just sick - no animal deserves to die like that, especially if it's a humans fault that it was created
New Boy said:
Didn't mean that to sound as stroppy as it did on re-reading it - just think BP owners get a rough ride because of the dying thing and I'm not sure everyone out there realises that most BP owners are against dying as I mentioned.

Don't know whether I'm being paranoid but it seems that since I added the fact that I have 4 BP's to my sig I only ever get replies to my posts from CFC and a couple of others. :/
I wasn't going to post again in here because I've debated this to death in the past and am tired of it so usually just give my opinion and let others go at it.

I just wanted to say to this tho, I would never ever not reply to someone based on the fact of the fish they kept. If others do that, then that is wrong also and it shouldn't be that way.

We all like different fish and that's what makes it great imo. I like cichlids that are very mean, like you put your hand in the tank they attack mean. I've had red devils jump out of the tank to attack me when I open the top. I like redtail black sharks and have always had one of them and am going to get some bettas someday soon but even then, they are aggro for their size and community. So I'm sure there are many many people out there that don't agree or like the fish I keep is what I'm trying to say.

That's really the only fish that I have kept and liked in the past, so there's a lot of fish you guys might have that I don't know the answer to and can't reply to.
rsz said:
=DG=- said:
Thats just wrong.  No point wasting perfectly good fish when we have BP's that'll do the job nicely.
that's just sick - no animal deserves to die like that, especially if it's a humans fault that it was created
I'd imagine its less painful that freezing a fish!
=DG=- said:
rsz said:
=DG=- said:
Thats just wrong.  No point wasting perfectly good fish when we have BP's that'll do the job nicely.
that's just sick - no animal deserves to die like that, especially if it's a humans fault that it was created
I'd imagine its less painful that freezing a fish!
but still a very sick thought :sick:

who freezes their fish anyway?! :huh:
so are we saying then that we cant buy these fish as its cruel the way they are bred and dyed?
yet we can put the ones that havent died during the process thro a grinder?

that makes sense NOT!!!!
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