Blackmoor Problem


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2006
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Hi, just noticed today that a blackmoor in my girlfriends tank looks as though it has its tail stuck together. The tank has just finished being treated for fin rot, was wandering if this is a side effect or is it a common problem with blackmoors?
the tail is nice and black and has no visible traces of fin rot :unsure:
Can anyone help
tanks :good:
What are your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
What do you feed the fish as it can be diet when the tail sticks together.
Hi, i'm at work at the moment so i will test the water this evening and post the stats, as for the food goldfish flake and occasional bloodworm and catfish pellets for the weahter loach. Is there anything to avoid that would cause problems?
Is there anything that can be done about the tail? :unsure:
Thanks for the reply :good:
You need to test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates first. Can you tell as in as much detail as posible how you go about cleaning and maintaining the tank as well as what fish you have in there and how many gallons the tank is etc :) ?
What are your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
What do you feed the fish as it can be diet when the tail sticks together.

Here goes

nitrate = <50 mg/l

nitrite = 0 mg/l

GH = 16>d

KH = 6d

ph = 7.4

No amonia test I'm afraid.

As for the cleaning routine and tank size etc, the tank is 60L there are two fan tails (one blackmoor) one weather loach and a common carp thay are all 3" and under and will be moved to a bigger tank in due course or pond in the case of the carp. As for the cleaning I mentioned before this is my girlfriends tank and the cleaning routine is the reason for the finrot episode. Since which the filtration has been more than doubled I am making sure she does not over feed them and have shown her how and when to clean which filters and how and when to do water changes.
The tank is surely overstocked for a 60 litre tank.
The first goldfish alone needs 20 gallon then 10 gallons for every other one added.
Shouldn't have one fish in that tank size.
The tank is surely overstocked for a 60 litre tank.
The first goldfish alone needs 20 gallon then 10 gallons for every other one added.
Shouldn't have one fish in that tank size.

I have mentioned the fact that the fish will be re-housed in the near future, the fantails and the loach in my 50g when i upgrade and the carp is going in a friends pond, well i say pond its pretty much a lake. (at least these guys are in an overfilterd tank, all be it small :good: and not in a bowl)
Now back to the tail problem.
Can anyone help??? :blink:
They might not make it are you sure your stats are fine as I find it hard to believe there that in a 60 litre tank.
Try more frozen foods and veg on the fish.
The tail also can be bacterial when it sticks together.
They might not make it are you sure your stats are fine as I find it hard to believe there that in a 60 litre tank.
Try more frozen foods and veg on the fish.
The tail also can be bacterial when it sticks together.

I will try that. I tested the water moments before posting the stats. There is about 1.5L of biologcal filter media in use with two filters one is being used as a pre filter to a home made external canister filter, which seems to be working really well.
Thanks for the replies :good:

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