Black Schultzei Corys Are Spawning

Finally some good luck for you Dreary. Grats.

My napoensis spawned twice last week and I got about 20 wigglers from the eggs. Sadly, last night I only saw one in the tank and this morning he too was gone. Darnedest thing though, I found very few corpses.

Think it's time to bleach the fry tank and start fresh.

I hope all yours make it.

no worrys puppyjess123 thxs

thxs Cory_Dad
yea things are back on track for me now and im buzzing :D.

well they had a few more not many though about 20-30 so roughly id say between 250+ eggs all in all.
and 90% ov them look fertile :) so hopefully i can boost there numbers back up as 2 ov my adult ones died when i was haveing all them probs.

hope you better with your napoensis
Cory_Dad good luck with em :good:

ill update if any hatch
Congratulations, drewry!

I always think that watching the blacks spawn is more exciting than any of the others I have. Can you tell how many females were involved, or do they look too much the same?

Right now I have two batches of them that were hatched in September. My group got a late start this year and I was beginning to wonder if they might just be getting too old to spawn. I bought them fully grown three years ago, as proven breeders, and have no idea of their actual age. I hope I have luck raising some this year too.

I'll be looking forward to following the progress of your fry as time goes by. Best of luck with them! :D
thxs Inchworm

i agree i watched them for the full 8 hours they was spawning the males lost intrest for 3 hours but soon got back to the job lol

this was off just 1 female the only reason i know this is because it has a barble missing compaired to the other females and the only one going crazy none stop for 8 hours up and down the tank,
its one of the ones i got off spooky they was about 1 inch big when i got them 7 months ago :D so im guessing there about 1 year old or there abouts ,and over 2 inches now she did use 3 males to fertilise all the eggs so they will be 2 blood lines in this batch.

the first female and 2 males i got before these, the female layed twice and didnt go to the males to fertilise the eggs and ate the eggs straight away if you remember, but that female died when i had problems in my tank a few months ago now with 1 that i got off spooky :(

so i have 4 females and 3 males and all the females look ready to spawn so i should have more eggs soon.

ill keep you informed if any hatch :good:
Happy Days drewry,

WOW thats some eggs and more. Good luck i'll have my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks for the info on my post It helped alot more than you think.
thxs StrontiumDog

well up 2 now about half look good :) and the rest have turned white :(

no worrys always glad to help if i can :good:

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