Biorbs: Cool, OK, or Stupid!!

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I think even with these tanks the water should be changed once a week (even more is better). Doing water changes every month- or more- gives ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate too much time to build up to a harmful level, IMO.
cutechic said:
I think even with these tanks the water should be changed once a week (even more is better). Doing water changes every month- or more- gives ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate too much time to build up to a harmful level, IMO.
Have you ever owned one?

The filter sytem means that you need to do less maintenance, trust me, I have mine pretty full and only change the water every 3-4 weeks. I test my water for ammonia and nitrites every week, always ok. And since it's been set up and cycled properley I've had no fish die in it other than 2 tetra's that only lasted about 12 hours after I bought them. :rip: And the tanks 8 months old now.

This link has some info on the filter etc.biorb diagram
It depends on what your looking for. i bought mine simply because it looked really good and was a bit different to the norm. And despite having a 4 ft tank with discus in the same room, every visitor heads straight to the biorb.
IMO, they look very nice, - however if you can get a nice size tank for the same price surely thats better, more space and more fish?

Dare i ask why Corys arent allowed??
First thought when seeing it.... Fish gumball machine.
Second thought when seeing it..... Cystal ball with fish oooooooOOOOOoooooo
Third thought when seeing it.....It needs Mickey mouse ears.
Fourth thought when seeing it.... It's like those plastic balls you can put rats in, just don't let it near the stairs! :sick: :crazy:


And then the practical thoughts came....
Fifth thought when seeing it.... How in the heck do you get in it without messing everything up?
Sixth thought when seeing it....Cool, but I would never get one.
They are nice to look at and there isn't much room for fish. From what I've been reading on this forum it just depends what you are after.

Cories are bottom feeders and therefore due to the shape there is a small surface area at the bottom of the tank so there isn't much room for them.
Sharky! said:
Cories are bottom feeders and therefore due to the shape there is a small surface area at the bottom of the tank so there isn't much room for them.
and also cz the ceramic media on the bottom (funny looking rocks tht bacteria live in) can injure bottom feeders becuase its really shrp :sad:
The filter sytem means that you need to do less maintenance, trust me, I have mine pretty full and only change the water every 3-4 weeks. I test my water for ammonia and nitrites every week, always ok.
OK, but what are your nitrAtes at? That's what water changes dilute. I have to agree that any tank should get water changes once a week, once every 2 weeks is the longest you should push it and only if understocked.
I've heard somewhere that fish get stressed in a bowl, apparently the round form and the reflections cause this...
anyone else know anything about this?
OMFG it cost that much and its acrylic? Its definitely not worth it then imo. The only reason I've bought acrylic tanks is because they're cheap, thats the only reason to get it imo. Also I don't see how that filter is any better than a HOBF. With the no air stone, and the bio filter "media" at the bottom I can't see how that would work very well since those bacteria need oxygen to survive. Anyways it just sounds like a waste to me as far as money. Now if it were cheaper, it wouldn't be so bad. I certainly wouldn't turn one down if someone were to give me one. I could find a use for it :D
StanTheBetta said:
With the no air stone, and the bio filter "media" at the bottom I can't see how that would work very well since those bacteria need oxygen to survive.
It has an air tube in that tube in the middle of the filter.

Your all luddites :p
Luddites? Because we think expensive, overhyped, glorified UGF bowls with little surface area are a bad idea? I'd still like to know what the nitrate readings are like in this tank you only change the water in once a month. :flex:

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