Bigtuna's Ocean In A Wall

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I spotted three more small aiptasia growing.  Not right in a cluster, sort of spread out on the left side of my tank.  I am treating with Red Sea's Aiptasia-X, but I am really considering getting a Copperband Butterfly.  I've always liked these guys and many have had success with these getting rid of their aiptasia.  If the LFS gets one in that is eating frozen, I think I'll be bringing him home. 
Do you know where the stuff popped up from?
Im not exactly sure what brings it on.  I can imagine it hitch hikes a ride on the live rock, but I haven't added any since I started my tank.  I do know they are common foe for the salty tanker. 
They are most likely spreading from increased feeding.  Copperbands are coo, if you get one you won't be able to keep any clams or coral.  Don't know how strictly you plan on following FOWLR.  I would do lots of research on them.  Their mouth shape indicates that they like to eat little things living in crevices and possibly polyps.
I've asked about CBB before and was told by my LFS that they are indeed reef same.  Various sites, such as liveaquaria say with caution.  I want to plan my new tank so that I can grow corals in it so I certainly don't want to get a CBB if I will regret it later.  I was told the same thing regarding the Foxfaces.  Seems like lots of hobbyists keep the CBB in their reef tanks and I see lots on youtube.  Anyways, thanks for the heads up and I will take that consideration before I take one home. 
As for the increased feeding theory, that was mentioned on some other sites during my research on aiptasia and aiptasia eaters.  It was quickly shot down.  Sounds like it could have even hitched a ride with snails.  So far they are only a few and very small, that I can see, so I hope they can be brought under control soon without too much problems.   
Can you not get rid of the rock before it spreads? I saw red sea does stuff that kills it off and is reef safe.
That's probably the stuff I am using.  Red Sea's Aiptasia-X.  I have dosed a few, but they are tiny in size, and I mean really tiny, and you can imagine trying to visually scan 120lbs of live rock for the little buggers.  Not easy, and probably impossible to see everything.  Also the little guys seem to retract before I even get a chance to appoach them with the syringe. 
Apparently Peppermint shrimp will eat the stuff.  The LFS also carries slugs that targets the stuff, but I forget the name already and not really interested in more slugs.
Berghia nudibranch slugs.
I was going to just hold on to these new pictures and start a new thread when things gets closer to move in, but I think I am going to just keep everything in this thread.  The title may be misleading, but perhaps a mod can help me with that?
Anyways, here's a couple teaser picts, oh what's going on in BigTuna's Cave.

So to go along with the teaser picts above, I quickly designed this:


Its my first attempt at designing anything myself.  First time using 3D software.  All considering I think it turned out alright.  I am putting this up as I'd like to start construction soon and it never hurts to gater enough information. 
So a little information on what is going on in my head and how it translates into my 3D model:
Far Left:
Bubble tower- the very bottom won't be wide open as seen in the model.  I'll cut in teeth and fill the tower will Live Rock rubble.  The water will spill out the botther into the skimmer section
Skimmer section- I'll set my in sump skimmer there.  I don't think there is much else I should up this section for, that's why I made it a bit smaller.  Water exits through the bubble trap into the return section.
Middle to top right:
Return Section- Here is where I want the most verstility.  That's why it is so large with the odd 'L' shape.  In the direct middle I want to put as much Live rock as I can, a small pump feeding the refugium located bottom right side, and a return pump to the display tank at the top far right.  Just before the pump I was thinking I'd lay my heater.  Back in the heart of the chamber I was also thinking of attaching a coral frag rack on the wall that seperates this section from the refugium. Here is also where I was thinking I could plumb or install and reactors, although I know very little about them.  If I decide to go with any monitoring probes, I'd build a small probe rack as well.
Far right bottom:
Refugium:  I was orginially thinking I'd want to spilt the drain water from the display tank and divert some to the refugium and the rest to the skimmer section.  I began thinking that it would probably be better to use a small pump after the skimmer section insead.  This way I will get skimmed water and not have junk in the refugium.  Again, I don't know much, just thoughts in my inexperienced head.  The model doesn't show it but I will put in teeth on the long wall of the refugium at the beginning of the 'hallway' to the return pump - if that makes sense? 
I think that sums up my design.  Any suggestions or thought?  I'd appreciate any help, as this is my first go at this and I kind of need to get it right the first time.  Thanks
BigTuna said:
I've asked about CBB before and was told by my LFS that they are indeed reef same.  Various sites, such as liveaquaria say with caution.  I want to plan my new tank so that I can grow corals in it so I certainly don't want to get a CBB if I will regret it later.  I was told the same thing regarding the Foxfaces.  Seems like lots of hobbyists keep the CBB in their reef tanks and I see lots on youtube.  Anyways, thanks for the heads up and I will take that consideration before I take one home.
Watch out for liveaquaria's care level and reef safe ratings. I don't know how they define reef safe but there are many things on that site that are listed as RS-W/C that are NOT safe for reef tanks. They call the emperor angel "with caution"; the fish should be a big fat not reef safe (they feed on polyps and sponges in the wild; almost exclusively). They also list minimum tank sizes for naso+salfin tang at 180gal, it should be more like 300 (they get huge).

Check out its my go-to site for cursory info.
BigTuna said:
Apparently Peppermint shrimp will eat the stuff.  The LFS also carries slugs that targets the stuff, but I forget the name already and not really interested in more slugs.
I have had bad experiences with peppermint shirmp, from picking at clams to stealing food from the stomach of corals (jumping on a favia 2h after feeding and ripping food out of its gut).

I have had good luck using kalkwasser paste for nems on a flat surface and supergluing bits of LR gravel right on top of an aiptasia lol.

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