Biggest Loser

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TBH id ont know what i want to do, at first i was doing it to stay fit for tennis so i guess that and maybe some other stuff as well

heres what i do, i havent done it in a month due to school but im starting up again. the first # is rep, 2nd is weight

run a mile on the treadmill under 8 minutes
tricep press 30 30
chest press 30 60
ab crunch 100 40
hip extension 40 20
hip abduction 20 20
hip adduction 50 20
leg extension 20 80
shoulder press 20 60
external rotation 20 20
reverse bicep curl 20 30
seated row 20 60

the machine is called a Parabody
i only do a mile on the treadmill now, couple of stretches then light reps and straight into it. With my back im a bit more carful though, generally build the weight up slowly and only do 2 sets at my max and i hurt my back deadlifting :( although most of that was down to poor form i think.

I would cut down on the cardio before weights, apparently your body starts to burn your muscles as fuel rather than fat. Think its something like 20 mins max reccomended? i need to start adding cardio to the end of my sessions, noticed my cardio has dropped loads since i've been using weights more :sad:
Split each one into 3. So instead of doing 30 reps, do 10 reps 3 times with about a minute break between.

Doing that you'll be able to up the weight a little which will mean faster/better results.
I want to lose the excess fat around my legs and stomach and i want to tone my stomach muscles. Chris can you help me is i PM you? I'd rather discuss my weight loss routine in PM, if you don't mind.

Missy x.
If you like but be warned, I'm not qualified and learning as I go along so may not have all the answers.

But I shall do my best to help anyone...
i only do a mile on the treadmill now, couple of stretches then light reps and straight into it. With my back im a bit more carful though, generally build the weight up slowly and only do 2 sets at my max and i hurt my back deadlifting :( although most of that was down to poor form i think.

I would cut down on the cardio before weights, apparently your body starts to burn your muscles as fuel rather than fat. Think its something like 20 mins max reccomended? i need to start adding cardio to the end of my sessions, noticed my cardio has dropped loads since i've been using weights more :sad:

well idk if your referring to me but i only run less than 8minutes?

Split each one into 3. So instead of doing 30 reps, do 10 reps 3 times with about a minute break between.

Doing that you'll be able to up the weight a little which will mean faster/better results.

same weight moreor less though?
for the crunches would it be ok to keep the 100 but do 10 by 10?
I don't mind about not having all the answers or that your not qualified but i need a little bit of help with at least toning the muscles in my stomach.

Missy x.
yeah 30 reps is pointless, you want to be doing higher weights for less reps. Also im assuming those weights are in lbs rather than kgs? If you want to build muscle sleep and your diet are the most important things really. You need a good mixture of carbs/protein and fat to see any real gains, but even then it still takes ages. Best way to see if your making any gains is to take a picture of yourself when you start and then 6 months down the line take another picture and compare them. you should see a pretty big difference.

Try and split your training into different days for different groups too for me its:

Sunday - chest/triceps
Monday - shoulders/abs
Tuesday - cardio
Wednesday - legs
Thursday - back/biceps
Friday - cardio
Saturday - Rest

If gives the muscles plenty of time to recover and grow
I'd say try 3 lots of 40.

That would be more of them which means the
muscles work harder, but having the 2 rests means you should be able to do them all

I think the cardio thing was to me.

25 minutes of that is on treadmill, since I'm trying to get in shape for a half marathon, so running lots makes sense, then 5 minutes on rower to kind cool down from it. I could probably cut the rowing out but figure my cardio is one of the most important parts fir my goal...
well idk if your referring to me but i only run less than 8minutes?

sorry things got mixed up there, it was to chris. i do the same as a warm up

also to anyone wanting to tone/get a six back ect just realise that the abs wont show through if theres even a fairly thin layer of fat there. For good abs you need quite a low bodyfat percentage. suppose this is more aimed towards the males as females dont want six packs but doing situps is fairly pointless unless your adding weight to it. Also there are far better exercises for your abs than just sit ups. Heavy compound movments build up a very strong core/abs such as squats and deadlifts. Also you cannot target bodyfat, so doing sit ups wont remove any belly fat you have, you would be better off doing some running or cross trainer for 20 mins

yeah i remember reading about the marathon, hows the training going for that? Your right cardio is very important for you but if your lifts weights too do the cardio after your workout rather than before :good:
yeah 30 reps is pointless, you want to be doing higher weights for less reps. Also im assuming those weights are in lbs rather than kgs? If you want to build muscle sleep and your diet are the most important things really. You need a good mixture of carbs/protein and fat to see any real gains, but even then it still takes ages. Best way to see if your making any gains is to take a picture of yourself when you start and then 6 months down the line take another picture and compare them. you should see a pretty big difference.

Try and split your training into different days for different groups too for me its:

Sunday - chest/triceps
Monday - shoulders/abs
Tuesday - cardio
Wednesday - legs
Thursday - back/biceps
Friday - cardio
Saturday - Rest

If gives the muscles plenty of time to recover and grow

well idk bout you but in the short time i did my thing (month at most) i improved quite a bit
The training is going slow. But then I can't expect instant results. I'm changing a few things at a time, I recently started the volvic challenge, replacing a litre and a half of my drinks each day with water. Which since I normally only drink fizzy drink has knocked about 650 calories a day off my intake. But doing it this way has made it much easier, I was trying just water, but since I hate it, it's nice to have something I like to finish the day. And I'm starting to feel more like drinking more water rather than have some coke.

At the moment my routine seems to be working so I'll keep it how it is for now, in the last month my biceps have gained just over an inch, I'm losing fat, so my abs are almost starting to show, my triceps and biceps are getting more defined, and I'm slowly being able to add more run time to the treadmill.

But I will have a read up on the weights before cardio thing, for when I mix up the routine a little in a month(ish)
idk if its targeted to me but abs would be a plus lol, and i was also thinking of when running the mile stopped beng difficult i might run another after the weight.

and soes it make any difference concerning other stuff? i play tennis on mondays for about 3 hours, then 1.5hours on tuesdays another 1.5 on wednesadasy and thursdays with nothing going on on fridayand most saturdays.

also, diet wise, my familys from the carribean so obviously im eating ALOT of food every meal and almost every lunch and dinner regards rice hehe, i eat little to no snacks and my breakfast and school lunch are relativley the same day after day, in fact since i get to choose what i eat for those 2 i usually stick to more of an actual sensible amount.
For food, don't worry too much about a diet...

Just keep an eye on how much you have. The smallest things can have a huge impact, like I said fir me having a litre and a half of water a day has cut out 650 calories. See how much you eat on average each day. And if you want to lose weight, try cutting a few small bits, like have a glass of water instead of that milkshake, get low fate margerine instead of the butter, it all adds up.

If you're tryingto build muscle rather than lose weight, meat is good. Protein is essentially what muscle is made from. So to add muscle your body needs protein. So steak, or chicken, stuff like that.

You sound like you have a pretty active lifestyle, so weight loss should be pretty easy for you.

I used to eat stupid amounts of food, but because I was on my skateboard for a few hours every day, walked a bit, did jujitsu 3 times a week and was generally very active, I didn't put weight on.

The tennis will burn fat, and help cardio.

Oh, one thing I heard, was learn to eat until you aren't hungry. Don't carry on until you're full. Just until you aren't hungry any more.

But that won't work for everyone.
The lower abs are the hardest ones to get, try doing leg raises it targets that part.
I had six pack b4 but its just so nice to eat :drool: LoL

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