The lower abs are the hardest ones to get, try doing leg raises it targets that part.
I had six pack b4 but its just so nice to eatLoL
a pic would help with that lol i have no idea on any of these terms
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The lower abs are the hardest ones to get, try doing leg raises it targets that part.
I had six pack b4 but its just so nice to eatLoL
you could have the best abs in the world but if theres a layer of fat there you wont see them. Thats generally the reason people dont have "lower" abs, because theres a thin layer of fat in the way! Its worth noting too that the abs are not split into upper and lower, its all one muscle. You have a left one and a right one, if you have a six pack and they dont line up theres nothing you can do about it thats just your genetics (eg mine look like this _ - well not as out of line as that but you get the idea) working your obliques can make your stomach look LOADS better, but again if you have fat in the way you wont see them. The obliques are the muscles on your side that go down in a v shape, also known as "lines" for me i found dumbell side bends worked amazingly well and saw good results in just a few weeks. Where you can just try and work your stomach with some sort of weight, you wouldnt do bicep curls with no weights so why do the same with your stomach!
holy crap that looks hard!Its like in this video although you dont have to go as high maybe 90 degree angle would be fine, I just use to do 90 degrees and hold for a few seconds. You still have to avoid too much fatty foods tho.
Do the second leg raises that he did, I think its easier than the hanging leg raises.
I agree with ian on the dumbell side bends, I suggested that to a buddy of mine too, helps get rid of the love handles![]()
http/ heres a video for the dumbbell side bends. Go quite heavy with them, light weights dont seem to do anything and they are a bit easy. Like i keep saying though diet and lack of fat is what gives you a good six pack, although with you playing tennis so much i would assume your quite lean?
not really lol
Squats and Deadlifts are also very good for your abs, while they are for your legs and back mainly they build up a very strong core. Without strong ab muscles you would end up hurting yourself at some point. videos for both of them:
Squats: http/
Deadlift: http/
With the squats make sure you have some one with you to help, you really dont wanna get stuck with the bar on your back! also yes it is uncomfy at first but over time it gets better. i find holding the bar with my hands quite close together works well as it bunch's up my traps/lats and i can rest it on them. DO NOT put the bar on your neck, if it hurts the bone at the top of your neck you have the bar to high, try lowering it down a bit.
With the dead lifts keeping you back straight is vital, first time you do these it will more than likely hurt the next day, alot! but again the pain goes away after a week or two, really depends on how strong your lower back is. Keep your back straight and make sure you place the bar on the floor after every rep and start again, you dont want to be doing quick reps like the video suggests.
Both exercises are very good and i wouldn't do a weekly routine without them now! Done squats earlier actually and can feel it in my abs along with my legs. Dont be afraid to try them in the gym, also dont worry about how heavy the weight is. Everyone has to start some where, even if you only use the bar at first, get the technique right before you go lifting too much weight and olympic bar weighs 20kg on its own anyways so its still some for of weight lifting.
well due to a wierd tennis accident i couldnt run today or yesterday, but i went to practice and im better now so tomorrow i start for real
what are the pros and cons of doing everything every other day with a day of not doing it but say tennis?
You can avoid all the dieting gimmicks if you simply adhere to the following:
Calories in < calories burned = weight loss
Good luck all for getting into those skimpy bathing suits this summer or having those six-pack abs. SH