big oddballs together?

Paul, thought you might like to know, there's a shop in Ipswich with a 12 inch Ornate Bichir for sale. Very nice fish.
The time for Bichirs is now, currently it is the season for West African imports so there should be a few of the harder to find species like P.palmas and P.endlicheri about if you look in the right places.
Too bad you couldn't group buy with me. The group buy i've set up consists of 20 bichirs of various species (including many "volta river" and "guinea" endis). Also, about 10 other fish.
SirMinion said:
Paul, thought you might like to know, there's a shop in Ipswich with a 12 inch Ornate Bichir for sale. Very nice fish.
Oh thats so annoying as thats probable going to be snapped up pretty quickly and my tank isn't ready for any fish for atleast 2 weeks, plus I don't have the time to get a lift up there to get it :(

Hmmm pitty about the RTC there really beutiful.

Oh and a oscar on that list!!

sounds interesting astro boy, pitty your over the pond!!
paul_v_biker said:
Oh thats so annoying as thats probable going to be snapped up pretty quickly and my tank isn't ready for any fish for atleast 2 weeks, plus I don't have the time to get a lift up there to get it .
Nah, he won't get snapped up around here. They've already had him about a month and he's in a tank near the floor where most people won't notice him.

We went to see him again today and I think he's more like 15 inches and good and healthy. I also asked about his price. He's £27.50.

If you want him we could ask the store man to reserve him for a while, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
I really would love it but i can't see me being able to collect it. It's quite an effit to get to swallow aquatics. (sent you a PM about it!)

the only other problem with me buying a fish at that size is that it's likely to make lunches our of anyother fish that i'm stocking and are smaller!!
yay Trimar has birchirs!! after ready i'll be ordering- POLYPTERUS DELHAZI, POLYPTERUS ORNATIPINNIS and a spiny eel from them, the birchirs are listed as 5-6"
What species of spiney eel? Ornates get BIG and grow fast, my ornate is 18"+ and grew to that size from 3" in under 2 years so unless the spiney eel is one of the bigger species like a fire or tyre track eel it will be food, big bichirs do not mess about when hungry (which is always), ask my friend Chali what happened to her 6" rocket gar when her 18" ornate decided to feed its self one night.
oh i thought the spiny eel was something different from the tyre track and fire.

i'ved already got a fire eel saved at work for me!!

I guess i'll leave the birchir to add later.
Back to the Arowana idea...

If you would be willing to eventually invest in a larger tank, consider a STINGRAY! I've had my young guy for about a month now, and I know the reticulated ray (mine) can live peacefully with Mr. Arowana. But wowee, what a cool purchase! Picture a "mini Manta Ray thing" flying through your tank. That's what they do. You have to keep the water clean(er), but they are very easy to care for, and get along with just about anything. Pick up a 'freshwater stingray' book if you can, and read up on them before purchase. (Richard Moss / Barrons Publishing / Apporx $12 US is a good one).
Just don't touch them, or you'll have to explain to the ambulance driver why you are going to the hospital! And THAT my friend, is a cool oddball!

funny you should say that as CFC's subtle comment somewhere has made me want one now, so bit further down the line when the tanks nice and mature i'll go about finding a P. motoro (sp) which cfc keeps in his tank which is basically same size as mine, i belive the tank is big enough for this 1 at full size aswell.

I'm not going to rush into buying one though, a good few months atleast.

My dads got the stand part made up the rest has to be done on site so next friday i'll hopefully bring some fish home from work for it.
how big will a tyre track eel get and would it be suitable for my mix with a fire eel aswell.

i couldn't resist the look of 1 of the tyre track eels at work today so i took it!!
CFC said:
What species of spiney eel? Ornates get BIG and grow fast, my ornate is 18"+ and grew to that size from 3" in under 2 years so unless the spiney eel is one of the bigger species like a fire or tyre track eel it will be food, big bichirs do not mess about when hungry (which is always), ask my friend Chali what happened to her 6" rocket gar when her 18" ornate decided to feed its self one night.
:dunno: :rofl: Yes....cfc is so rocket gar was there in the evening and in the morning was no longer there.My ornate was fat and not so hungry!!!!
Just thought I'd mention that yesterday I brought home a 7-8" Fire eel and a 4-5inch BGK.

and....they are so cool!! :thumbs:

there currently in my new 4ft tank until the 5x3 is cycled and has lighting.

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