New Member
I recently bought a 2" black ghost knife fish. As of right now, he is in a 60 gallon aquarium with my 2 Senegal bichirs (3-4"), 2 rope fish (12"), 2 giant danios (2"), 1 dojo loach (5"), and 3 adult bronze corys. Most of the fish in this tank (bichirs, rope fish, and BGK fish are very calm and lounge around/hideout most of the time other than the occasional swim around the tank). It is not crowded (do-to the BGK and bichirs still being babies, Would a 120 gallon work (I'm planning on getting one shortly possibly in a few weeks to a few months depending on how fast they grow). I can't get anything over 48" long due to space so I think a 120g would be the best. Would this be okay in the long run (for life), or would I have to re-home the BGK after some time? (I'm a freshman so I live with my parents and am limited to only my room pet/space-wise).
Also I have been feeding them frozen bloodworms, sinking cichlid pellets, sinking algae wafers, betta food (for the danios, just to mix it up), and earthworms. And am planning on trying frozen beefheart, ghost shrimp (I'm forming a colony now), blue Moscow guppies (also in the breeding process), and blanched spinach or cucumber
Any suggestions and responses will be greatly appreciated, Thank you all so much!

Also I have been feeding them frozen bloodworms, sinking cichlid pellets, sinking algae wafers, betta food (for the danios, just to mix it up), and earthworms. And am planning on trying frozen beefheart, ghost shrimp (I'm forming a colony now), blue Moscow guppies (also in the breeding process), and blanched spinach or cucumber
Any suggestions and responses will be greatly appreciated, Thank you all so much!