Neil Mani
Fish Fanatic
For now if you get all the fish as baby. Beaware, most of these fish get huge really quick like the bichirs. Once they reach the 6 inch mark, you might want to take out the BGK. Difficult choice between pleco and pictus. In general, if you are willing to clean the tank on your own without help, go with the pictus. Else, go with desired pleco. But with the stocking, you should go with a smaller pleco(5 clown plecos, 3 bristlenose plecos). Also with the clown loaches, they get up to a foot. Imagine having 6 loaches fully grown in the tank in single file. A general rule is 30 gallons per clown loach. Plus All the other fish exceed 1 foot as well excluding the discus. Discus get more height in their body shape. You could try doing this.Wow, flowerthorns are expensive! I like your idea of discus and clown loaches though.What do you think about this for the 125g;
2 delhezi bichirs
1 Senegal bichir
2 rope fish
Temporary BGK fish
3-5 discus
3-6 clown loaches
And either a pleco (I love the green phantoms, but they are pricey) or a pictus catfish?
Thank you! I was also able to put the goldfish and dojos (I got 4 more!) Separately into the 55g.![]()
Clown Loaches
100 of any schooling fish
Remember, you can put fish that can fin into a 10 gallon all the way to a 125. You have many options.