Big Fish Feeding Video

Well why did he say "Lost in translation....." for? Once he answers this lets get this thread back on track.. :nod:
its a saying used when people from different countries or even parts of a country confuse a particular saying or word to mean something completely different. That is why it it "lost in translation". There is a film by the same name that works on that kinda principle...

I know this dude must be raking in some serious cash to buy all that food and be able to afford all these tanks. CFC you aren't a drug dealer or a pimp are you??? :hey: :shifty:
I guess you mean by me starting it with this? Oh yeah sorry bout that :*)
I'd like to make a reccomendation CFC for a fish that you should get for your tank. You should get a Oscar or two. Now that would look great because it looks really good in pauls_mts tank :hey: :thumbs:
He has an Oscar, just not in that tank
(i think)

you know, if you click on someone's name it sends you to their personal profile. most people have the contents of their tanks listed in the appropriate section there. if you check out CFC's profile you'll find...

My Aquariums & Fish

9 aquariums ranging from 210 to 25 gallons


3 Sorubim lima
Hemisorubim platyrynchos; Spotted shovelnose
Pimelodus albofasciatus; White lined pim
Ageneiosus brevifilis
Ageneiosus magoi
Leiarius pictus
2 Hoplosternum thoratacum
2 Agamyxis pectinifrons; Spotted raphael
Malapterus microstoma; Dwarf electric catfish
2 Auchenoglanis ngamensis; Dwarf giraffe catfish
Chrysichthys ornatus; Ornate Congo river catfish
2 Heteropneustes fossilis; stinging catfish
Mystus leucophasis; Asian upside down catfish
3 Arius seemani; Columbian shark catfish
Chaca chaca


2 Chalceus erythrurus
Hoplyerythrinus unitaenitus; Gold wolf characin
2 Leporinus fasciatus
6 Metynnis argenteus; Silver dollar
7 Exodon paradoxus; Bucktoothed tetra
Hepsetus odoe; African pike Characin


2 Cichla monoculus; Peacock bass
Cichla ocellaris; Peacock bass
Astronotus ocellatus, Oscar
Heros severus; green severum
Crenicichla sveni; Spangled pike Cichlid
Crenicichla sp "belly crawler"


Potamotrygon motoro
Couis microlepis; Tiger datnoid
3 Scatophagus argus, scat, red and green
3 Monodactylus argenteus; mono
Monodactylus sebae; Sebae mono
2 Toxotes jaculatrix; Archer fish
3 Gymnothorax tile; "freshwater" moray eel
Echidna rhodocheilus; white cheeked moray eel
Batrachus grunniens; Toad fish
Apteronotus albifrons; Black ghost knife fish
Dorminator maculatus; Jade goby
Polynemus paradiseus; Paradise threadfin
Polypterus ornatipinnis; ornate bichir
Polypterus delhizi; Armoured bichir
Polypterus senegalus; Senegal bichir
Tetraodon nigroviridis; Green spotted puffer
Oxyeleotris marmoratus; marbled sleaper goby
Scleropages jardini; Australian arowana
2 Channa gachua; green snakehead
2 Mogurnda adspersa; purple spotted gudgeon
wow, you have some lovely very big fish! nice tank! :thumbs:
WHOA! that pbass is eye catching. How often do you feed those guys, and do you always feed them that much? That looks like of food but im sure theres like 20 other fish im not seeing. Those pbass are amazing though... The other fish are too. I wanna see a feeding video with mr.hanky!!!
Sure beats my gouramis and lttle hermits at feeding time! :D
Nice vid champ. :thumbs: Like you say, it will be awsome when the next one is taken so it doesnt shake as much. :)

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