apparently they are good tanks mates for the BGK, so im not worried about them, i already have one now, and he's doing fine, and my synos will be ok so all is good!
BOD - I know you are kicking around a few ideas on how to stock your tank and that is a good thing, far to many "fish keepers" do not research their fish throughly enough before setting up their tanks, like myself, I found out the hard way with my first 2 BGK (Both from Petco).
I bought the first one to put in a 10 gallon tank (not informed) The guy said no problem, it would be fine for a few months (it died). I trird again when I set up my 55 gal and asked itthey would be ok with fire mouths? To answer my question, the salesman said go ahead they will be fine together, there is enough room for them, I knew firemouths could be agressive but took value in what they said. Result another dead BGK. I bought my 3rd one from the fish store I get my fish from exclusively, and asked him what I could do different. His response was no cichlids, no fin nippers, and nothing small enough to go in it's mouth. The BGK I have now is doing fine and happy, and hasn't encountered any ill will from the tank mates. I guess no matter what fish you decide to put in your tank, the best thing to do is RESEARCH before you buy.