Serpaes are nasty little fin nippers, i wouldnt advise keeping these with any fish with long or delicate fins.

Of the others any combination of any of your choices would work though there could be problems with the discus which can be annoyingly fussy little things, if they decide the BGK is too scarey for them to share a tank with you will have to remove it or them before they stress themselves to death.
i would certainly keep a good eye on this tank...and if anything is outta balance it will be taken care of....even if i love them to much they will have too go....thanks ....and serpaes noted and striken off list... :thumbs:

edit - are there any other interesting fish that any one can suggest im a little stuck...

forgot to mention...i dont want ne of the big cichlids ive already been looking at them and have decided no!
Strike 1 ????

Yes the congo's are bigger of the fish, they have nice colors and will school in the top half of your tank. Dwarf Gouramis would work als, especially if your ghost is that small, they will be fine when the BGKgets bigger. My ghost dosen't bother mine at all. I also have glass cats in there, but they can be picky eaters.

I would also suggest getting a cone worm feeder and silicone the pieces together, that way you can mount it in the tank upside down about 6 inches of the bottom, gives the BGK something to feed from without trouble from the other fish. It is neat to watch it feed from there.
sounds rather cool...have u got a pic of what it looks like?

ne suggestions on ne more fishes..i also want a plec...but apart from that
i have decided against keeping discus with the BGk i think it will just be too much...


congo tetras - how many?
pearl gourmai - how many?
angelfish - how many? are there different types of angelfish or are they just different colours?

also could i keep red scissortails and killies?

or another type of shoaling fish which are bigger than 2" one there???

troutfly u posted ne pics yet?
I have 5 congo tetras with mine and they seem fine, but fish stocking levels all depend on what size tank you have. I also keep 4 dwarf gouramis, 3 glass cats, a dwarf pleco and a marbled pleco with mine in a 55 gal, they all seem to be doing fine, no problems with personalities.
60G the empty one in my sig..... if that helps with numbers...
1 - bgk
6 - congos
2 - pearl gouramis
1- small plec species
how many anglefish???
Sounds good but for a 60G i suggest you get more like 8 Glass cats, they do great in bigger groups.

Other than that sounds good! Your plec options are fairly open, maybe even get a small group of one type of plecs (i.e. 4 BNs or something).

sorry what glass cats? im not getting them....i think thats troutfly who has glass cats....i want angelfish..but not sure how many...

edit- can u also keep different types of plecs together???
sorry- confusion.

Yes most, sometimes they will quarrel but usually just if they want the same cave, which is soon sorted out..


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