don't be a twit
in my personal experience, bristlenose plecs are fairly aggressive--my male used to fight with the kribs all the time. when i tried keeping him (for 4 days) with my L200s, there was just no peace in the tank. he'd chase the other plecs across the entire tank if he wanted their hiding spot. i'd not go with as many as 4 bristlenoses, but you could definitely do 2 or 3 small plecs.
i'd ask about the angels over in SA Cichlids; if i was to guess based on the things i've read, i'd say probably 2 or 3 angels. of course, angels start small so if you wanted to try breeding them... you should get 4 to 6 and wait to see who pairs off. then sell the rest back to the LFS (but ask the LFS if they'd buy back before trying this).
i'd ask about the angels over in SA Cichlids; if i was to guess based on the things i've read, i'd say probably 2 or 3 angels. of course, angels start small so if you wanted to try breeding them... you should get 4 to 6 and wait to see who pairs off. then sell the rest back to the LFS (but ask the LFS if they'd buy back before trying this).