ok these are the options im looking at....i want a BGK....
im getting rid of my 18 gallon, so fish need to be rehomed within my tanks i have.....
1) if BGK gets on with africans i have they will be 2gheter (waiting on answer)
2) then the 18g community will be housed in the 35g
3) if not transfering botias from 20g to cichlid tank if they get along (waiting on answer)
4)replacing botias in 20g with corys from 18
5) mollies, guppys and dwarf gourami with BGK??? are they too small??? if yes they will be rehomed..if not they can all live toghter and yay..problem sorted
which plan sounds better if they make ne sense at all 1&2 or 3,4&5???
or if ne body can see a way in my sig which i havent spotted...
btw- i have a new tank if u cant figure out where the BGK is going....