Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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can a black ghost knife fish live with cichlids???
what type of cichlids? there's quite a few to pick from!!

mine lives happily with an oscar, 3 sevrums, and 3 geophagus
the ones in my sig....can u see my sig lol???
not sure what there like with africans really so i'll let someone else fill you in on that one!!
ok these are the options im looking at....i want a BGK....

im getting rid of my 18 gallon, so fish need to be rehomed within my tanks i have.....

1) if BGK gets on with africans i have they will be 2gheter (waiting on answer)

2) then the 18g community will be housed in the 35g


3) if not transfering botias from 20g to cichlid tank if they get along (waiting on answer)

4)replacing botias in 20g with corys from 18

5) mollies, guppys and dwarf gourami with BGK??? are they too small??? if yes they will be rehomed..if not they can all live toghter and yay..problem sorted

which plan sounds better if they make ne sense at all 1&2 or 3,4&5???

or if ne body can see a way in my sig which i havent spotted...

btw- i have a new tank if u cant figure out where the BGK is going....
laaaaadidaaaa.....a new day and hopefully some new answers..... :)
BGK + africans = dead BGK
mollies/guppies + BGK = a full BGK tummy
and on a side note,none of your tanks are large enough for a bgk.
You need at least a 4ft tank for a BGK, they can grow to a foot and a half long given time!

Just think carefully before you get one as theres no point putting it in a small tank only to find you need to re-home it again in a big new tank 12 months down the line. Put it in the biggest tank you have... But i dont think africans would do well with a BGK..... may be wrong though.

One_Trick_Pony said:
bod does say she already has another tank.
She doesn't say she has a new tank large enough for BGK and even if she did,the fish she plans to keep with them would not work...period.
Either the mollies and guppies would be dead,or the the BGK would be dead if kept with africans.
well no one asked lol...i have a new 4ft tank and the africans are staying in the 35 now...and ill just keep all the fish in the 18....also i am willing to upgrade if it looks like the BGK is going to get to a big full size...cos obviously u never know how big an indiviual fish is going to grow...

edit -update in sig for you to see...
ooooooooor..i could get a brown ghost knife...smaller! :)
BGK and aggressive Cichlids? No

You can keep BGK with large peacefull Cichlids such as severums, eartheaters, acaras and even to a certain extent oscars depending on tank size and temperment of the individual fish.

A BGK will be fine in a 60 gallon tank for many years and possibly for life, i have personally never seen even a picture of a captive BGK over 12 inches.
Thats interesting CFC! I have read in places some rediculous max sizes for a BGK (some people suggest up to 20").... Mine is currently about 8" i reckon, and its really peacful and active!

I have one that is 12 inches and one that is 11 inches.They are a little under 2 yrs old.(I"m sure you've seen them over the last yr here ,they've grown quite a bit ;) )
I know people who have BGK close to 20 inches as well.

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