Bettas fins falling off in chunks

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Oct 9, 2019
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So my betta has always battled fin rot, I think it is because his fins are so long. I know that blood flow cant always reach the ends of the fins and they die and fall off.

He is in a 3.5 gallon. I know it's too small. I do 75% water changes weekly.

I have been doing large water changes to try and help but nothing works.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 7

Help please. I'll attach photos soon
I have tried salt with my betta which is having some trouble and it seems to help. He is now eating which is good.
I've tried salt too
All of those brown chunks on the gravel are peices of his fins


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It is probably best if you move him to a bigger tank.
Yes I know. It's my moms betta tank and my dad wont let her get a bigger one. With the large water changes I thinks hes fine for now, theres nothing wrong with the water quality and hes active, interacts with me and eats well. When he dies tho I'll try to get her to get blue shrimp instead. She wants it to be blue to match the living room lol
It's probably that horrible bacterial infection that has been popping up on Bettas over the last couple of years.

You can try Methylene Blue. It kills bacteria and fungus but will wipe out beneficial filter bacteria and stain silicon blue.

Depending on how much salt you used, you could increase the amount. If you haven't tried 2 heaped tablespoons of salt per 20 litres of water, perhaps try that. Keep the salt in the tank for 2 weeks.

If worst comes to worse, you can try anti-biotics but it will probably cost more for the medication than it cost to replace the fish.
Do you happen to use Seachem Prime as your de-chlorinater? I use to have a horrible time with some of my betta tails but then learned that Prime was not good for bettas tails. I was advised to use Stress Coat and I have had no more issues with tail fraying. :)
Do you happen to use Seachem Prime as your de-chlorinater? I use to have a horrible time with some of my betta tails but then learned that Prime was not good for bettas tails. I was advised to use Stress Coat and I have had no more issues with tail fraying. :)
I dont. I use jungle water dechlorinator
That's the salt dosage I'm using. I'm really frustrated because theres no fungus or anything growing visibly on his fins and they are just falling off in chunks the size of my pinky nail. It's just getting worse and worse. It started really suddenly too
You may want to get Kanaplex and Furan-2. The Kanaplex is an antibiotic and Furan-2 is bacterial med. They work great together. You May have to order on Amazon. Petsmart has them sometimes.
Do you happen to use Seachem Prime as your de-chlorinater? I use to have a horrible time with some of my betta tails but then learned that Prime was not good for bettas tails. I was advised to use Stress Coat and I have had no more issues with tail fraying. :)
I didn’t know that seachem prime was bad for betta tails. This may explain why my betta has splits even with twice weekly water changes and no signs of fin rot. It never occurred to me that water conditioner may be dangerous, I will try stress coat and see if it helps.
Hes getting worse and I cant get the meds yet...
This is the latest chunk to fall off....

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