Betta With Resistant Tail Fungus...need Advice!


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I am newly "new" at this fish thingy I guess. We had tanks growing up, Mom loved them, but this is my first attempt on my own. I have one gorgeous Betta, Finley, that I am just crazy about. About a month after I got him I noticed tail pieces falling off and after research decided he had/has tail rot. Here are the meds used so far.... plus I use a slightly rounded tsp aquarium salt and Stresscoat with each water change.

1. Tank Buddies Fungus clear, 2 times
2. Maracyn, 2 times
3. Maracyn Plus, just finishing the 3rd round
4. Maracyn II, 2 times
5. Trisulfa, 2 times
6. Tetracycline, 3 times

All this medication can't be good for the little guy but he still has the rot! It started on his tail which has by now regrown and looks just beautiful, except that you can see the slightest bit of horizontal splitting still. It has moved to the bottom fin and it has started to regrow except that now I can see a tiny and a slightly lager pin hole in the fin??? I am at my wits end! Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or something else I can try? This is not supposed to be so hard to get rid of...
Also...he is otherwise healthy, extremely playful and personable and has an appetite like a horse! Thanks
I have a couple suggestions and questions. First I'll ask how often you change his water and how large of a container/tank you have him in. Dirty or old water is a major contributor to fin rot.
Sometimes bettas pick at and tear their own tails on purpose. Are you sure this isn't what he's doing?
Thirdly, I'd stop medicating for now. A pinhole does not necessarily mean fin rot. Only medicate when you are absolutely sure you have a problem that must be medicated. All the medications you've already used have probably caused havoc for his immune system! :X

So my approach would be wait and see and do water changes.

CRAP! I was afraid of that!!! :-( goes! When I am not medicating him I change it daily or no less than every other day. I decided changing it and emptying the med from the day before might by the reason he wasn't getting any better. is being changed (with meds) every 5 days...
He is in a 1 gallon bowl which is atop a kitchen bowl with a nitelite in it to keep his water temp up.... seems so happy in it but I have a 5 gallon tank that is all his that I amtrying to find out whether it is "re"cycled yet. I destroyed it when I changed the gravel out for sand... and washed the filter with tap water :-(
I have never seen him pick or tear at his tail... but he could be doing it when I am not around I guess...I really don't know on that one..
Will try to get a pic of his fin and post it... meanwhile...would you mind awfully much reading the post below and give me your opinion??
Thanks so much!!'s a link!
OK I went ahead and gave my opinion on your other thread, too. I hope it goes well for you and his fins don't fall off anymore!

I think I might have found part of your problem... although from what I'm understanding he's not in the 5 gallon yet? On your other post you wrote:

Thanks but... The reason for cycling the tank is this...changed to sand from gravel and effectively wiped the tank out in the process. I also didn't know at the time not to rinse the filter in tap water (duh...). Had to start the tank over like new! Did use the filter...did add some gravel in an old stocking plus used the same plastic plants...etc. Can it possible be cycled already? 9 days?

If he's in with the plastic plants I know from experience they can rip and tear at a betta's fins... I'd reccomend Silk plants or live plants. If, however, he's not in with the plastic plants and his fins are still tearing, I can't help you much there.
Sanadi that is a very good point! I didn't even think to ask about plastic plants. :blush: I've had the same thing happen to one of mine. I use hornwort in with them now.


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