Betta Vs Guppies, Which Would You Choose?

Hmm, not sure on those. They should work.
If you try them be sure to let us ( me in particular ) know how they go. ;)
Nice new profile piccy btw. Is it yours?
TallTree01 said:
Hmm, not sure on those. They should work.
If you try them be sure to let us ( me in particular ) know how they go. ;)
Nice new profile piccy btw. Is it yours?
Haha I wish. It's just a pic I got off the net and liked the look of. :)
I probably will try them and I'll be sure to update you on how they turn out.
Are you thinking of getting a betta TT?
There has definitely been some lookers in the various LFS. my favorite would be a blue veil tail that was in a community tank and was very active and pretty at ***** for ****** . I'm worried that I would get a betta that would:
A) be nipped by tetras
B) kill my tetras

I must admit that seeing many bettas on here has made me want to go and get one. :D
Blondielovesfish said:
I will definitely update this and start a journal.
Am I allowed to link you to the tea bags, they're on a online auction site?
Go ahead.
TallTree01 said:
There has definitely been some lookers in the various LFS. my favorite would be a blue veil tail that was in a community tank and was very active and pretty at ***** for ****** . I'm worried that I would get a betta that would:
A) be nipped by tetras
B) kill my tetras
I must admit that seeing many bettas on here has made me want to go and get one. :D
You should get one!
You could buy a 5-6 gallon tank incase the betta is being a bully/bullied and put him/her in there and if he/she is fine then you have a quarantine tank. You win either way :p

eaglesaquarium said:
:D I will definitely update this and start a journal.
Am I allowed to link you to the tea bags, they're on a online auction site?
Go ahead.
Thanks, I've already linked it but its good to know its allowed. :D
Having had a betta and guppies myself, I don't know how one can actually say one is more interesting than the other.
They are both the same boring/interesting.
The betta I've had for 9 months now does nothing more amusing than the guppies in my other tank and all come up for food when I approach the tank, that's about it.  The betta is actually so clumsy that if I put food behind him, he'll still keep looking at me so I've got to drop the pellets one by one in front of his nose, such a lazy sod :)
But I agree for a tank this size a betta is better but there are other options depending on the dimensions, like an attempt at a planted nano low tech tank(Diana Walstad method), then a small group of mosquito rasboras, some shrimp maybe.
Yeah, I'm going to plant it though I'm not quite sure of the plants yet as quite a few are banned here in NZ due to people releasing them into waterways and them taking over.
I would love some shrimp but they're illegal to import :/ so I could only have native ones which are coldwater.
I'm definitely getting a Betta!
I went to my LFS today to get the filter (Aqua One clearview 100) and had a look at the fish and they had a beautiful purple/blue Betta that had a tiny bit of red on its front fins, (I think he was a veil tail but I couldn't get it to flare). I was so sad that I didn't gave my tank set up because this lil guy was so cool.
I just hope that when my tank is set up and ready for fish, they'll have some good stock in!
Was looking at the LFS yesterday and saw some pygmy cory's, would they be alright with a Betta and how many could I have?
They need a 10 gallon and schools of 6. I wouldn't reccomend them. :no:
Okay, just saw they were in the nano thread for 5 gals, though thats probably meaning a tank with only them. Thanks
^^^ That is correct.  The nano tank thread is based on one species stocking.
Yes that's right, so I imagine the Betta would be better.

Tek oot.

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